OK so I am offically hooked on this site. I find myself writing way too long rambling entries as comments to other peoples journals so i decided to start updating my journal instead to hopefully satiate my hunger to self-diclose. For now I will paste the comment I just made in idoless's journal, Its 5 AM and I have to go to bed now. But more entries to come
>About trusting people it is definitely a good thing if you have the capacity for it. And dont lose that, its sort of like virginity its hard to reclaim
Me, I just expect the worst from people because I believe they are 99.9999 % motivated by their own self interest. (Just like I am if I am really honest with myself) So what! they lied to me. so what "they" have crushed my feelings , I am sure I have done the same to others so I dont thnk I am any better than they are.
It also makes me feel better when someone does me wrong if I look at it as life reminding me that I am not seeing people as they really are but am clinging to my illusions of who I would like them to be.
I can become so attached to this illusion that I decide to be hurt because of what THEY did, when actually I just made an error in judgement thats all, and I could just admit it and move on. Why am I so disappointed I already KNOW people are selfish bastards DUH! But it is very hard to do this because like everyone I hate being wrong more thanb I hate being heart broken. And its always easier to blame them rather than admit my judgement of them was off.
lecture is now over sorry just alot of stuf I am personally working through sort of jumped into this comment.
Ok, so I had a lovely date....I just need to learn to be more patient. 'Tis a problem I have. I do love the idea of people lining up outside my door to be my date, though. 

there's another list for guys I wanna marry.
that one's the list of guys that if they walked into a room, I would fall down and say "I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!" It's hard to explain...but don't worry, I have plenty of hockey boys that I obsess over. Mark Messier just fits into the "Cool" list better than any of the rest. He's not even my favorite, he's just...well...Messier.