Fate of mankind.
I was at this club I go to all the time and over heard these two hot women complaning about men . Specifically, they were complaning about the pickup lines that had been used on them.
One woman "this guy says to me, I've been looking at you all night! So I go, ' hel-lo, I just got here da."
At this point both women were laughing. Not me. Fuck don't women know that the fate of mankind rides on the successfulness of a pickup line.
I realize that there are certian hardships that only females must endure such as childberth, waiting in lines for restroom stalls, and a phychotic obession with shoes. Also, females tend to reach maturity very quickley, so by age 12 they are no longer capable of seeing the humer in loud inadvertent public blasts of flatulence, whereas males can continue to derive vast enjoyment from this well into their mid 60's.
I grant that it is not easy being a female. But I contend that nature has given males the heavest burden of all. The burden of always having to make the first move, and thereby risk getting shot down. I don't know why males get stuck with this burden, but its true throughout the animal kingdom. If you watch the nature shows on tv, you'll note that what ever species they are talking about ,birds,spiders, clams, its always the male who has to take the initiative. It's always the fucking male bird who dose the courting dance, making a total ass of himself, while the female just stands there, looking aloof, thinking about what she's to tell her girlfriends.("And then he hopped on one foot! Like Im suspposed to be impressed by that!")
Every now and then, you'll see a tv news story about a moose, that has for some reason fallen in love with, and decided to relentlessly court something totally inappropriate, such as a lawn tractor. This moose is always a male. They show it hanging around the lawn tractor all sad,and moony eyed.
My point is that perhaps you women could cut us males a little bit of slack in the move makeing proscess, because were under alot of stress. I remember when I was in the 10th grade, and I wanted to call a girl named Linda and ask her to a dance,I spent 2 days rehearsing what I was going to say,so when I actually made the call, I was pretty smooth. "Hello, dance?'' I said. ''This Linda''. Boy did I fuck that up.
Fortunately, Linda grasped the basic thrust of my grst and agreed to go to the dance. If she had shot me down, I would have been so fucking humiliated I would have droped out of school a joined the army.
That is the power that you women have over us men. I hope you understand this, and the next time a guy walks up and uses some lame ass, boneheaded line on you, I hope that, instead of laughing at him, you will remember that he is under the intense pressure of wanting to impress you enough so that you might want to get to know him better and maybe eventually, perhaps within the next 15 minutes, fuck his brains out, thereby enabling the survival of the human race, which is the only thing that we males are truly concerned about.
Let me just say to all females everywhere, on behalf of all males everywhere, that you are beautiful and your eyes are like two shining stars, so please give us a chance. And if your not interested, could you introduce us to your lawn tractor.
Song for Today- Wild As The Wind- By Nina Simone
I was at this club I go to all the time and over heard these two hot women complaning about men . Specifically, they were complaning about the pickup lines that had been used on them.
One woman "this guy says to me, I've been looking at you all night! So I go, ' hel-lo, I just got here da."
At this point both women were laughing. Not me. Fuck don't women know that the fate of mankind rides on the successfulness of a pickup line.
I realize that there are certian hardships that only females must endure such as childberth, waiting in lines for restroom stalls, and a phychotic obession with shoes. Also, females tend to reach maturity very quickley, so by age 12 they are no longer capable of seeing the humer in loud inadvertent public blasts of flatulence, whereas males can continue to derive vast enjoyment from this well into their mid 60's.
I grant that it is not easy being a female. But I contend that nature has given males the heavest burden of all. The burden of always having to make the first move, and thereby risk getting shot down. I don't know why males get stuck with this burden, but its true throughout the animal kingdom. If you watch the nature shows on tv, you'll note that what ever species they are talking about ,birds,spiders, clams, its always the male who has to take the initiative. It's always the fucking male bird who dose the courting dance, making a total ass of himself, while the female just stands there, looking aloof, thinking about what she's to tell her girlfriends.("And then he hopped on one foot! Like Im suspposed to be impressed by that!")
Every now and then, you'll see a tv news story about a moose, that has for some reason fallen in love with, and decided to relentlessly court something totally inappropriate, such as a lawn tractor. This moose is always a male. They show it hanging around the lawn tractor all sad,and moony eyed.
My point is that perhaps you women could cut us males a little bit of slack in the move makeing proscess, because were under alot of stress. I remember when I was in the 10th grade, and I wanted to call a girl named Linda and ask her to a dance,I spent 2 days rehearsing what I was going to say,so when I actually made the call, I was pretty smooth. "Hello, dance?'' I said. ''This Linda''. Boy did I fuck that up.
Fortunately, Linda grasped the basic thrust of my grst and agreed to go to the dance. If she had shot me down, I would have been so fucking humiliated I would have droped out of school a joined the army.
That is the power that you women have over us men. I hope you understand this, and the next time a guy walks up and uses some lame ass, boneheaded line on you, I hope that, instead of laughing at him, you will remember that he is under the intense pressure of wanting to impress you enough so that you might want to get to know him better and maybe eventually, perhaps within the next 15 minutes, fuck his brains out, thereby enabling the survival of the human race, which is the only thing that we males are truly concerned about.
Let me just say to all females everywhere, on behalf of all males everywhere, that you are beautiful and your eyes are like two shining stars, so please give us a chance. And if your not interested, could you introduce us to your lawn tractor.
Song for Today- Wild As The Wind- By Nina Simone
hehe thanks my name ther is beccysuicide i also have a link in my profile
now it must work hehe thank you so much that is so sweet of you