Fuck Existance! FUCK the world, and all the bullshit that's going on to me and everyone the hell else in it, I'm sick of it! FUCK karma, FUCK the coming around, FUCK any and all deitys that cause any of this FUCKing pain for me or any other god damn person on this planet! Why the fuck do we have to suffer such constant god damn irritation and strife to prove ourselves to ANYONE or ANYTHING!? It's all FUCKing bullshit! All of it! Why the FUCK do I constantly suffer both physically, mentally and emotionally to protect anything!? I don't have any more FUCKing control over a FUCKing thing, than anyone the FUCK else, so what is the FUCKing point!?........FFFUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKK!
*Ignorant Rant Over*
*Ignorant Rant Over*
But why? if you want to talk, I'm here
Booo I know what its like when I kinda hate the world... not a great feeling! And yes, I actually think we are too!