I am legitimatley begining to believe that I truly do hate the world! Seriously for all those emo ass fucks bitching about the wrold needing to be " more green" you really want to save the plant KILL humanity! Because fact of the matter is "green" is fucking expensive, and being that only the extremely privilaged as far as the world statistics would show, have the money to afford going green, the makority of the world won't! Furthermore fuck all you fuckin pathetic ass fucks who think they are owed some time of debt of gratitude for their existence. You are nothing, weren't anything, nor ever will be anything. When I go to the store to get tools to help a fuckin VFW vet, to see another veteran using some make shift one-leg wheeled device while somefat ass trailor-trash bitch rolls around in her fuckin motorized cart because she's too damn lazy to unfat her fuckin ass, sorry that's fucked! Fuck all those senseless fucks!!!!
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Pathfinder for two weeks, if I pass that is... -
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Preface: So there is this chick at work that has managed to surpass a… -
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Portland, OR is fuxin BAD ASSSSS!!!!! -
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Drunk again, contemplating not only leaving the united states, as a c… -
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Drunk Dialing Is One Thing, Confessing Your Undying Love To Someone Y… -
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One Friend Married; One Friend Divorced...Both Before War......... -
Monday Jan 10, 2011
Ok seriously ZEN_ is straight up the SHIT! So here's how it happe… -
Sunday Jan 09, 2011
I have decided I want to marry an SG, that is all
how is green less expensive?
how it reusing a piece of paper, when you only used a portion of it, more expensive?
how is taking the recycling to the recycling plant on your way outa town more expensive?
green is good. people do need to be more concious of the envirionment. else we wont have one.
the ozone layer is depleting so quickly these days... its sad.
btw, thanks for the hair comment
honey, i hope you are ok.
and that the mood improves a bit soon