I was asked: "Do you ever feel like you're somewhat emotionally detached from society?..."
My first response: " *sniper* Need I say more?"
Asked: "Elaboration would be nice, if you wish..."
My second response: "I am an American soldier who was born and raised here( US), yet I live in Canada, with mostly Canadians( one Brit). For anyone who's ever made the jump from the US to anywhere else in the world for anything other than tourism, will undoubtly understand what I mean when I say: the mentality is far from the same. One big difference is our view of the military. I've noticed Canadian soldiers aren't treated like American soldiers; not to say they aren't treated well. Being, that I've done what I have for my country, when in Canada it tend to be seen negatively; especially when considering how much the military means to me( anyone who knows me can vouch for it). When in a society where the equivalent to the "Green Party" won the local election, I get asked many questions that the asker isn't prepared to hear the answer for( i.e. " Have you ever killed anyone"). I often feel as though conveying my mind is a moot point; its like explaining Oranges to Apples; I just feel distant from everyone here..."
My first response: " *sniper* Need I say more?"
Asked: "Elaboration would be nice, if you wish..."
My second response: "I am an American soldier who was born and raised here( US), yet I live in Canada, with mostly Canadians( one Brit). For anyone who's ever made the jump from the US to anywhere else in the world for anything other than tourism, will undoubtly understand what I mean when I say: the mentality is far from the same. One big difference is our view of the military. I've noticed Canadian soldiers aren't treated like American soldiers; not to say they aren't treated well. Being, that I've done what I have for my country, when in Canada it tend to be seen negatively; especially when considering how much the military means to me( anyone who knows me can vouch for it). When in a society where the equivalent to the "Green Party" won the local election, I get asked many questions that the asker isn't prepared to hear the answer for( i.e. " Have you ever killed anyone"). I often feel as though conveying my mind is a moot point; its like explaining Oranges to Apples; I just feel distant from everyone here..."
I'm with you on distancing yourself from society. And as long as you know in your heart what's right then no one should be able to challenge that.
I know! just like with religion, politics, and its all because of this pecking order that people have established. the ones lower on that pecking order will listen to those of 'authority' because they SEEM to know what people should be doing... uggh