Stolen from a girl named Steve.
1. First concert: Nine inch nails
2. First car: Honda Accord
3. First real kiss: Er...
4. First screen name: Mosquitom
5. First self purchased album: Aerosmith, big ones
6. First funeral: Grandpa Chimoro
7. First pet: Barky the dog
8. First piercing/tattoos: N/A
9. First credit card: N/A
10. First enemy: Chuck Norris
11. First big trip: Moving from Miami to Atlanta at 2
12. First music you remember hearing in your house: Michael Jackson, beat it!
1. Last cigarette: 10 minutes ago
3. Last kiss: Stop asking these questions!
4. Last good cry: A few weeks ago when I left
5. Last library book checked out: I can't even remember, though I'm sure I didnt return it
6. Last movie seen in theatre: Sigh...The Dukes of Hazard
7. Last beverage drank: Agua
9. Last crush: Someone who's taken
10. Last phone call: Mick, concerning him helping me paint this hellhole of a room
12. Last shoes worn: My trusty Reeboks
13. Last item bought: A King Crimson LP
14. Last annoyance: Realising I am poor
15. Last time wanting to die: What the hell of a kind of question is this?
16. Who are your best friends: Mike and John
1. Do you do drugs: I smoka da ganja from time to time
2. What kind of shampoo do you use: Prell I believe
3. What are you most scared of: Car wrecks
4. Where do you want to get married: In a little church on a hill
5. What are you listening to right now: "Sing" by Blur
6. How many buddies are online: 2
7. What would you change about yourself: My poor conversational skills and my self-esteem. Thanks!
1. Colors: Electric blue
2. Foods: Pretty much anything with tons of noodles and sauce
3. Girl names: Bella
4. Boys names: Sly
5. Subject in school: Literature/writing
6. Animals: Dogs and Toucey birds
7. Sports: Soccer, flaming crossbows
8. Perfume: Sucks
9. Cologne: Sucks equally
10. Brunch place: Wtf is brunch?
1. Given anyone a bath: My dog
2. Smoked Cigs: Yes
3. Bungee jumped: No
4. Made yourself throw-up: Nope
5. Skinny dipped: No
6. Been in love: Nope
7. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble: Nope
8. Pictured your crush naked: Nooo, who would do something like THAT?
9. Seen your crush naked: This is getting depressing
10. Cried when someone died: Nope
11. Lied: No...
12. Fallen for someone: Yes
13. Been rejected: Believe so
14. Rejected someone: Yes
15. Used someone: I'm sure I have
16. Done something you regret: Yes
1. Clothes: MBV T,blue jeans and a fine as fuck maroon button up
2. Music: Come Together
3. Make-up: None
4. Annoyance: My back hurting, I need a computer desk
5. Smell: My current smell?
6. Favorite artist: I never really got into visual art, I guess I'm dumb
8. Book you're reading: One hundred years of solitude
9. Cd in player: A bunch, its a five disc
1. Understanding: Yes
2. Open-minded: Almost to a fault, ironically I'm trying to work on that..
3. Arrogant: Nah
4. Insecure: Very much so
5. Interesting: I don't think it's really possible for you to answer this question concerning yourself.
6. Hungry: Yes
7. Smart: No, I don't like visual art, remember?
9. Hardworking: Ah hell nah
10. Organized: I'd like to think so
11. Healthy: Probably not
12. Shy: I think...I'm having trouble figuring out the difference between being shy, avoidant, introverted and self concsious. Damn you psych majors.
13. Attractive: Probably not
14. Bored easily: I'm still taking this aren't I?
15. Responsible: I don't know about that, I can be compulsive
16. Obsessed: With?
17. Angry: No, not really...
18. Sad: At times I am
19. Disappointed: Yes
20. Happy: At times I am
21. Hyper: Every now and again
23. Talkative: No
1. Kill: No one
2. Get high with: Pat Robertson
3. Talk to offline: Anyone
1. In the morning I am: Slow and rising
2. Love is: A song by the popular hip hop artist known as Common
3. Music is: One of my only ties to the nice things we feel in life. G'night everyone!
1. First concert: Nine inch nails
2. First car: Honda Accord
3. First real kiss: Er...
4. First screen name: Mosquitom
5. First self purchased album: Aerosmith, big ones
6. First funeral: Grandpa Chimoro
7. First pet: Barky the dog
8. First piercing/tattoos: N/A
9. First credit card: N/A
10. First enemy: Chuck Norris
11. First big trip: Moving from Miami to Atlanta at 2
12. First music you remember hearing in your house: Michael Jackson, beat it!
1. Last cigarette: 10 minutes ago
3. Last kiss: Stop asking these questions!
4. Last good cry: A few weeks ago when I left
5. Last library book checked out: I can't even remember, though I'm sure I didnt return it
6. Last movie seen in theatre: Sigh...The Dukes of Hazard
7. Last beverage drank: Agua
9. Last crush: Someone who's taken
10. Last phone call: Mick, concerning him helping me paint this hellhole of a room
12. Last shoes worn: My trusty Reeboks
13. Last item bought: A King Crimson LP
14. Last annoyance: Realising I am poor
15. Last time wanting to die: What the hell of a kind of question is this?
16. Who are your best friends: Mike and John
1. Do you do drugs: I smoka da ganja from time to time
2. What kind of shampoo do you use: Prell I believe
3. What are you most scared of: Car wrecks
4. Where do you want to get married: In a little church on a hill
5. What are you listening to right now: "Sing" by Blur
6. How many buddies are online: 2
7. What would you change about yourself: My poor conversational skills and my self-esteem. Thanks!
1. Colors: Electric blue
2. Foods: Pretty much anything with tons of noodles and sauce
3. Girl names: Bella
4. Boys names: Sly
5. Subject in school: Literature/writing
6. Animals: Dogs and Toucey birds
7. Sports: Soccer, flaming crossbows
8. Perfume: Sucks
9. Cologne: Sucks equally
10. Brunch place: Wtf is brunch?
1. Given anyone a bath: My dog
2. Smoked Cigs: Yes
3. Bungee jumped: No
4. Made yourself throw-up: Nope
5. Skinny dipped: No
6. Been in love: Nope
7. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble: Nope
8. Pictured your crush naked: Nooo, who would do something like THAT?
9. Seen your crush naked: This is getting depressing
10. Cried when someone died: Nope
11. Lied: No...
12. Fallen for someone: Yes
13. Been rejected: Believe so
14. Rejected someone: Yes
15. Used someone: I'm sure I have
16. Done something you regret: Yes
1. Clothes: MBV T,blue jeans and a fine as fuck maroon button up
2. Music: Come Together
3. Make-up: None
4. Annoyance: My back hurting, I need a computer desk
5. Smell: My current smell?
6. Favorite artist: I never really got into visual art, I guess I'm dumb
8. Book you're reading: One hundred years of solitude
9. Cd in player: A bunch, its a five disc
1. Understanding: Yes
2. Open-minded: Almost to a fault, ironically I'm trying to work on that..
3. Arrogant: Nah
4. Insecure: Very much so
5. Interesting: I don't think it's really possible for you to answer this question concerning yourself.
6. Hungry: Yes
7. Smart: No, I don't like visual art, remember?
9. Hardworking: Ah hell nah
10. Organized: I'd like to think so
11. Healthy: Probably not
12. Shy: I think...I'm having trouble figuring out the difference between being shy, avoidant, introverted and self concsious. Damn you psych majors.
13. Attractive: Probably not
14. Bored easily: I'm still taking this aren't I?
15. Responsible: I don't know about that, I can be compulsive
16. Obsessed: With?
17. Angry: No, not really...
18. Sad: At times I am
19. Disappointed: Yes
20. Happy: At times I am
21. Hyper: Every now and again
23. Talkative: No
1. Kill: No one
2. Get high with: Pat Robertson
3. Talk to offline: Anyone
1. In the morning I am: Slow and rising
2. Love is: A song by the popular hip hop artist known as Common
3. Music is: One of my only ties to the nice things we feel in life. G'night everyone!
I'm a dude named Steve?