It seems I've always had a love/hate relationship with the "alternative" crowd and I don't think I've ever come up with a clear answer as of to why. That's not to say that I don't understand or dislike people that dress or act a certain way. Over the course of high school I hung out with goths, metal heads, indie kids, nerds, punks, stoners and whatever else you can probably think of. The only thing was....that was in high school. We had very simplistic views and thoughts about what made someone who they were, everyone picked a niche and then they followed it. It was very understandable, as this was all for the sake of not losing your identity amidst the social clusterfuck that was high school. Now however, whenever I see someone over the age of 20 with a lip ring or a mohawk, black lipstick or green hair, a cannibus shirt or a studded collar, I think to myself "WHY?". I dig fabrics myself, and I certainly understand trying to express yourself creatively in the clothes you wear, but when you go out of your way to fit the part you just become a walking caricature. I don't know, maybe I'm taking things too seriously. I guess no matter what youre lame in one way or another. I know I am.
By the way, I've been listening to this like it's crack lately...
I never thought I'd see the day I liked a Paul Simon album, let alone this much...
By the way, I've been listening to this like it's crack lately...

I never thought I'd see the day I liked a Paul Simon album, let alone this much...
I've never heard that Paul Simon record...maybe if some of his other work wasn't so bland, I would've heard the self-titled already.