I don't know what the hell is wrong me, but I honestly have no idea how to party, at all...How does someone not know how to have a good time you may ask? I really don't have an answer as my friends are all the same, we always have been and we probably always will be. We hang around each others houses, we go to the coffee place, we jam a little bit, we run out of things to say and we go home. None of use ever throw parties, none of us ever go to parties. In the rare instance that I am at some sort of get together, I carve my niche in the room and plant myself there and wait until it's all over. I want to have a good time..I want to drink and dance and make an ass of myself, I want to talk to a hundred different people and wake up somewhere other than my room. I want to have some interesting things happen to me, I want to LIVE dammit! Maybe I need to accept the fact that I don't like getting drunk, I'm bad at connecting with people and I'll always find joy in ways that involve me sitting around by myself. Am I boring? Is my life that bland and flavorless? Am I wasting it? What the hell is wrong with me?! Any suggestions as of how to shake things up a bit are always welcome, I'm sick of my life...
Also: Note the change in my favorite girls, what a wonderful collage. I feel like I have alot to say as of right now, I'm feeling alot..I don't know why, I ussually feel so impartial to everything. Maybe it's the warm weather stirring me up inside.
Also: Note the change in my favorite girls, what a wonderful collage. I feel like I have alot to say as of right now, I'm feeling alot..I don't know why, I ussually feel so impartial to everything. Maybe it's the warm weather stirring me up inside.
"Love" is a stunning song, it brings me close to tears. I suspect I'll start bawling my eyes out to it soon.