The bills didn't get paid so I've been out of internets for about the last week or so, and to be honest alot of things haven't been getting paid since I've been out of work. I was actually offered a job a few weeks back, it entailed driving downtown every morning through rush hour traffic to wash dishes for 6 bucks an hour so I said fuck that about as hard as I could, I'd take it today. I have an inerview in a few days however so hopefully that will work out for me.
Not much else is new, I've started reading a book called "the middle mind" by Curtis White which is pretty interesting and it has some good points, but the guy comes off as kind of a condescending snob and an intellectual elitist. Not in the "I love chomsky" sense, it's more of a "your an idiot if you don't dissect every stupid piece of pop culture you see or hear and dismiss it as the trash that it is, therefore youre a stupid lazy fuck worker ant!" sense. Much more condemning, unrealistic and mean, not to mention he doesn't express what he's trying to say very coherently (I'm not one to talk though). He's a dork. Aight, peace.
Not much else is new, I've started reading a book called "the middle mind" by Curtis White which is pretty interesting and it has some good points, but the guy comes off as kind of a condescending snob and an intellectual elitist. Not in the "I love chomsky" sense, it's more of a "your an idiot if you don't dissect every stupid piece of pop culture you see or hear and dismiss it as the trash that it is, therefore youre a stupid lazy fuck worker ant!" sense. Much more condemning, unrealistic and mean, not to mention he doesn't express what he's trying to say very coherently (I'm not one to talk though). He's a dork. Aight, peace.
Employment desparation and the stacking pile of unpaid bills and threats from collection agencies is what prompted me to break down and accept my job as a pizza delivery driver. Then I found out it's not so bad. I get to listen to my own music all day and I make more in tips then hourly wages.(San Francisco has one of the largest minimum wages in the country).