What's up people it's been awile so here's an update. I was sick with the flu and missed a shitload of work but im better now. Ethan is doing good he is getting so big so fast. He still doesn't look like me much but I think that will change as he gets older. Erin's sister and her 2 year old son finaly moved out after a 2 week stay that turned into 2 months(that was a fucking nightmare!!!). She has to be the messyist person in the world no joke. I don't mind picking up after Erin or her little girl but when you add 2 more people in the mix it's too much, besides if your a guest in someone's house you should be more than willing to put your fucking plate in the dishwasher after you eat WHAT DA FUCK. Anyway that's enough bitching about her lazy ass. I just found out the Madison Filmfest is going to be the second weekend in april and not the first as in the past which kinda sucks 'cause thats the weekend I was going to Arizona. I guess I'll have to change the date of my trip because I can't miss the Filmfest. And finaly the best news of all (is if you didn't know) my Chicago Bears are in the Superbowl this sunday after 21years. I can't believe it, thay better win so everyone out there pray for them unless your a Colts fan lol. that all for now later. Here is a pic. of Ethan
that's right
All right, I know I'm not the best at updating my page or anything...but come on Blue, give us some damn updates...