if i had a shiney gun,
i could have a world of fun,
shooting bullets through the brains
of the folk who give me pains.
or had i some poisonous gas,
i could make the moments pass
bumping off a number of
people whom i do not love.
but, i have no lethal weapon,
thus does fate our pleasure step on,
and so they are alive and well,
those who, by rights, should be in hell!
i could have a world of fun,
shooting bullets through the brains
of the folk who give me pains.
or had i some poisonous gas,
i could make the moments pass
bumping off a number of
people whom i do not love.
but, i have no lethal weapon,
thus does fate our pleasure step on,
and so they are alive and well,
those who, by rights, should be in hell!
if you really do want to come in and check the place out I'll deffinately tell you the schedule.
hey if you're not doing anything tommorrow and want to party for cheap I'm going to cat club tommorrow. 2 dollar cover, 2 dollar well drinks and beer. the music is kinda like Fake if you know what that is. but its really kinda dead, which is good if you don't like crowds.