Today I painted 58 figurines that I created over the last 5 days. I'm really really tired, but I feel good about it. I am getting ready for Orycon where I will sell my artwork, photography, and crafts. Wish me luck!!!
I would love to hear what you think about them. smile
Here are some of the figures. They are my own creations. I sculpt them, then create a silicon mold for them so I can make several copies.
Here is the little crow. He is small and is my most popular figure:

This is Grinsey. He is a Lich. He likes to scare all of the mundane people so they don't bother you

I introduce to you Moonshine. He is my little bunny friend. His sad howling is soft and mournful.

This is Shark Face, for obvious reasons. He comes in a wall hanger and a fridge magnet.

I would love to hear what you think about them. smile
Here are some of the figures. They are my own creations. I sculpt them, then create a silicon mold for them so I can make several copies.
Here is the little crow. He is small and is my most popular figure:

This is Grinsey. He is a Lich. He likes to scare all of the mundane people so they don't bother you

I introduce to you Moonshine. He is my little bunny friend. His sad howling is soft and mournful.

This is Shark Face, for obvious reasons. He comes in a wall hanger and a fridge magnet.

I'll want one of the crow and one of Grinsey(in bone).