On the 24th November, I have a set that I shot coming out. This one is totally cool. Not sure why this one went to member review. I liked the quality enough that I thought it would be purchased. Still, I'm very excited to see it go to MR!!!
The girl is a Hopeful and she is brand new. Her name is Kelzstarz and she is all personality and full of the sexy! Just dig that chick.
Here is a teaser!

The girl is a Hopeful and she is brand new. Her name is Kelzstarz and she is all personality and full of the sexy! Just dig that chick.

Here is a teaser!

Despite all the cutesifying sets creeping in here, I think SG likes to imagine its better side: kickass cutoff rough cut boots and grease and dirt and leather and a little sneer to top it off. You do this naturally, with attitude, and a lot of flair--but at the same time your models look beautiful. I bet they all think they've never come out better.