So I need to be getting out on NJ for a while can anyone recommend a Beautiful place to go? I am very unsure at the moment. Within the US of course since I am poor. I want to go to California, Oregon, Washington, Utah, Maine, Mass (they have some really old grave sites), but which to choose. I wouldn't mind going clubbing at decent clubs or seeing some nice shows. LA has the museum of morbid art. I wish NYC had something like that. We are probably taking a little trip to NYC in a few days as well. Anyone recommend something I should check out? I am sure it will be nice to be away from NJ but I want to do and see something amazing.
Other than that today should be boring as should tomorrow.
I might start some new paintings. Creepy old men keep mowing our yard. Hmm and we have no food or drink except dry beans. So yeah need to save money better so I cannot die...
Other than that today should be boring as should tomorrow.
I might start some new paintings. Creepy old men keep mowing our yard. Hmm and we have no food or drink except dry beans. So yeah need to save money better so I cannot die...

Wish i was a millionaire and i'd buy you a ticket here to what evr place you like to visit. Sadly it is but a whiff of a dream.

Are you still selling those cool dolls?