so i have this dream that i'm walkin thru the sleaziest ghetto in my neighborhood in some really narrow alleyway with trash canisters and the whole bit and some really smelly homeless guy walks up to me and asks me for 10 dollars so he can take a cab and see his dying mother in the hospital,i kinda hesitate,but give him the 10 beans anyways seeing as if he was lying ,it was a pretty good soon as i put the loot in his hands tho,a bright flash of light surrounds him and this really fancy silver briefcase appears in his place..SOOO i open it and inside is like a countless amount of thousand dollar bills,with a lil yellow post-it saying"be nice to the people you meet on the way up,because those will be the same people you meet on your way down....R. KRAMDEN"
to be continued in a future journal entry......
p.s. my punctuation skills are suxzor!
to be continued in a future journal entry......

p.s. my punctuation skills are suxzor!
VIEW 15 of 15 COMMENTS lazy bastard!
imma da ......people