Tomorrow is decision day for Scotland and i'd kick myself if i didn't just write a little blog about it.
I usually don't like talking politics but this is such a huge thing for the country i live in.
We get to choose if we want Scotland to go independent from the rest of the UK.
I'm really excited about going to vote and seeing what the result is going to be. As far as I'm aware it's neck and neck at the moment.
I guess i'm just making this blog because there are still a lot of undecided people out there.
I think it would be great to see Scotland go independent. Initially i was a no voter and i wasn't the only one. After doing my own research and getting the facts, rather than myths, i have comfortably settled on yes.
I don't like the way the media (mainly being Sky and BBC) have covered the news on this topic, it feels so one sided.
This is something the BBC did not show us and it happened in Glasgow city centre last week -
It's reasons like this that I'm glad Facebook and Twitter exist. The voting age for this has been lowered to 16. These photos flooded social media but were swept under the carpet by the media.
I think it's amazing.
I want to stress that this "if you don't know, vote no" pish is ridiculous. If you don't know then please look up the facts and make up your own mind or just don't vote. There's nothing more dangerous than an undecided voter. Some people i've spoken to just don't care. I feel it's such a shame and a waste as we have a chance to really make a difference.
Just vote for what you feel is right, i'm not pushing anyone to vote against what they want.
I get that there's pros and cons from both sides, but i have hope that we will say yes.
Scotland has been buzzing for a long time and you can just feel it.
It's just my views and im really looking forward for tomorrow :)