So I thought I'd do this blog to show you that this week has been pretty good!
First things first - I found out the burlesque tour is coming to the UK.
I am so excited about this!! The ticket is booked and I'm not missing it for anything.
Second up? Finding out I was in the Suicide Girls magazine No.3
Boobs, bath and wine
This design by Fatmoth 💕
Getting these lovely flowers :)
My friends response to an invite to see Atmosphere next month..
Had a hockey movie night, started with The Mighty Ducks trilogy..
And finished with Goon because... Well.... Ohhh my godddd 😍
Reading my book in a massive comfy bed :)
There are other events I've not snapped photos of but I've had some amazing nights out lately and meet ups with my mates which has been great. I really love being back home again.