Hey lovers,
First off i wanna say a massive thanks to the response my last blog got!
It's amazing how supportive you all are on this site and it's very much appreciated.
I've been lucky enough to have Wundersland, Noctuam and Vulpeskay as my lovely girlfriends.
I'm mega excited about Glasshouse coming out. It's one set i'm proud of.
Going to be looking into getting another set in the queue soon too!
It's been a while since i done one of these...
First off i wanna say a massive thanks to the response my last blog got!
It's amazing how supportive you all are on this site and it's very much appreciated.
I've been lucky enough to have Wundersland, Noctuam and Vulpeskay as my lovely girlfriends.
I'm mega excited about Glasshouse coming out. It's one set i'm proud of.
Going to be looking into getting another set in the queue soon too!
It's been a while since i done one of these...
Just on a wee note, if you could go Check this clothing line out
I'd be super happy
Should be able to see me model some stuff for them soon.
Anyway, i'm off for the weekend so i'll update when i can.
Hope you all have a good one.
Peace x