So...guess who inadvertantly committed insurance fraud but repaired the phone for only $35? I'm not telling...but it made the longass drive worth it. Stress levels have hit alltime highs as I am delving into my role of house mediator/babysitter. Politics............. puke puke puke
thanks for the nice comment though. =)
(yes, we need more pics of you too)
i'll think about it. +; )

(that's my nursey wink)
Ok, so I survived my fist weekend of 21 and managed to have a hell of a time at our formal. I didn't break anything! I hope this doesn't mean I'm growing up..... eeek Other than that, just keeping my head above water until I strangle the last bit of bullshit from this evil semester (it's last dying breath will be next thursday).
It is my birthday, I got destroyed by so many shots at the bar that the bartender cut me off, and my cellphone got destroyed as well, further confirming two things.
#1 i have too many friends with too much money
#2 God does indeed hate me

Nevertheless, I'm working on the whole Buddhist philosophy of non-attachment, so we'll see how well I manage to...
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happy birthday 15 minutes too late!
sorry for your cell. ouch.
Attempting to create a crazy person, diagnose said person, and treat said person for a paper. And no, said person is not modelled after this person. However, if you would like to offer yourself up for psychological examination, I welcome the help. That is all. EL SUICIDO LOCO
So, I'm officially sworn in as president of sigma chi at wabash. The mounds of meetings and unfinished shit continue to accumulate at the same rate as all of my school shit that is due. Wish me luck with my keeping my sanity! I'm sure you can relate Scylla, let's become stress-free robots together. Mechanical.... robot
"Anger is the price we pay for being attracted to a narrow view of what is right." -somebody smarter than most of us

no one seems to like this quote very much, but fuck'em, i think it's very zen. look at the amount of violence in this society and then ask yourself how obvious something like this is to most people. booyah. consider yourself enlightened. wink
never said i was in shinjuku, but i am in tokyo. the love hotels in question were up in ueno. i've been here for one month shy of a year. i teach freelance. i tried my hand at the language skools, but it was a crappy job. i make better money platonically dating rich men for their money and 'present-oes'.
no, dead serious. go read my updated journal... in about 5 minutes. have yet to update.
I guess the biggest news is that I finally caved in to the real world and purchased a cell phone. .I'm not sure how to handle all this technology, but at least I now have the security of knowing when my car breaks down again that I won't have to hop any more barb wire fences to walk to phones. mad Also gearing up for another...
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Technology is scary! Kill your internet!
So much to do!!! Anyone else feel like they're drowning in a sea of shit that's not important in the first place? Maybe I need to let go a little.... whatever
Recovery from Easter....
And the resignation that I'm stuck in classes for another 3 fucking weeks.

Not much to update on here, trying to remain slightly interested in all the bullshit I'm taking besides Abnormal Psych.
Home for Easter, though my family hasn't set foot in a church since Reagan was hard at work ruining our country. Made it here way too late today, thanks to an unexpected drinking tour de force last night, but like I told my mom, Good Friday just happened to turn into a Good Saturday as well, resulting in me up all night. Now I'm bored...
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