Friday Dec 05, 2003 Dec 5, 2003 0 Facebook Tweet Email today is a bad day. my fucking car was broken into. my books, my lab glasses, and my fucking cds gone. and now i sound materialistic. BASTARDS! i'm going to bed or drink EtOH until i vomit. devi1gir1666: that is a bad day. did you vomit? and if so, did it make you feel better? what kind of bug do you have on your shoulder? (very interested seeing as i have a full backpiece of bugs.) HAVE HAPPIER DAYS!!!! and read and respond about SGNC x-mas activities! Dec 9, 2003
what kind of bug do you have on your shoulder? (very interested seeing as i have a full backpiece of bugs.)
HAVE HAPPIER DAYS!!!! and read and respond about SGNC
x-mas activities!