So, yeah was messing around on google the other day cuz people were telling me to google myself and all that and since I was adopted I decided to google the names "Cancelli", my bmom's last name; (which came up with a bunch of crap) and "Reda", my bdad's lasname. When I googled Reda I instantly got a hit from a website where Patrick Reda was looking for his children twins, a boy and a girl, named Margaret and Anthony....those were my brother and I's names before we were adopted. So, I contacted them and just said "I think I might be the person you were looking for" and they sent me this....and of course I put up my reply and then their other reply. This just happened on Sunday night. wrote:
Hi Emily,
This is actually Carrie-Ann, I would be your cousin, Patrick is my Uncle, My Mother's Brother.
Is it really you?
Carrie wrote:
I am really the one he is looking for, all the names and dates match up from the little information that I was handed by my adoptive mom a few years ago. Most of my life she just let me know that I had been adopted when I was 2 (which I always remembered, well the office where we were left that is) and she told us our names were Margaret and Anthony Cancelli before they changed them to Emily and Robert. I've been looking for years to see if it were possible that I could find them and by chance I googled the name "reda" and it popped up on the search last night. I've tried so many other search engines and gotten nothing I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I had to get my birth certificate when I got married a few years ago and that was really when I found out so much more information and then I gave up because that still seemed to be leading me nowhere. I don't know how my brother feels about this yet...I need to talk to him. He's been way busy and doesn't have an email account so yeah, it takes a bit for us to talk. We live in Kansas....long story kind of annoying actually. I know very little but I do have pictures of Patrick and Gloria and myself and of course the two boys. The one thing I am certain of is that I was born at 6:54 am on August 20, 1979 and was delivered by Dr. Feller who was apparently surprised, as was Gloria; to learn that I was there. I weighed 3lbs 12 oz and was like 17.5 inches long or so, my brother was born 27 minutes earlier and weighed 5lbs 8 oz and we were put up for adoption when we were 2 and a half and were adopted as of April of 1982; very little time passed between our being put up for adoption and into foster care and when we went to live with the adoptive family, however I don't thin the adoption was totally final til like 1986 or so give or take.
Hi Emily,
I just don't know where to start!! There is soooo much to tell you. I guess I'll start by telling you that I am Carrie-Ann Bartlett. My Mother Holly Marie Reda-Bartlett is your Aunt (Pat's sister) she is married to Mark and I also have a brother was born July 14th 1979. Just a month older than you guys. I remember you guys like it was yesterday!!! You actually lived with us for quite sometime so my Mom had a 6 yr old and 3 (2)-yr olds!!!! We tried sooooo hard to keep you and adopt you but you were taken away from us and given up for adoption behind our backs!!!! Pat knew nothing of what was going on (the adoption) I can't tell you how many times we have cried and prayed that you would come back (somehow) Everyone is sooooo very ECSTATIC that it's actually you~
You were named after Pat's mother, who passed away long before any of us were born (she was only 39) and Robert (Anthony) was named after Pat's Uncle who had also passed away.
Emily, I don't want to overwhelm you, at all, we are just all so happy that you have found us. We have tried for many years with no luck to find you, with the exception of me, this family is not very computer literate!!! HAHAHAHA.......
I would like to leave you a few #'s. ONLY if you feel comfortable in talkin with any of us!!
PLEASE just know that you BOTH have ALWAYS been loved by all of us since the day you were born!!! I don't think any of us have stopped crying since you sent that first e-mail!!! LOL
Just wanted to let you all know that my brother is cool with it I got a chance to talk to him and my adoptive mom is VERY supportive; though I can hear in her voice that she is very way. I love her lots and ya know she's my mom...I don't think she gets that she's way important to me and as much as this decision has tons to do with also has so much to do for her.
well m'dear...i hope all works out well for you and your bro and your long-lost family. best won't always be easy, but remember that you're supported by those who love you, and you'll have your bro thru it all...
that is so awesome hun!