So, I went to the Take Back the Night Rally, that our campus held on Friday. It was awesome, I have always wanted to do something like that. Being a victim and might I add, a survivor of both sexual and physical abuse I have at times still found myself thinking that it was my fault. The women who were at the march on Friday and were the speakers really helped me to see it differently. Another reason I was there was for my student who I am one on one with....she was abused sexually when she was very very very young, I think she was 2 or three. Then there is the fact that there is really no way to know if she has not been abused since, there is suspicion that this is still going on but no one can tell. It's terrifying enough for anyone; but for someone who doesn't know what is going on and even if something is going on can't say anything because they are not able to talk, that's just fucked up! Anyway, it was awesome, my new mantra is "I am what a feminist looks like" cuz, hell yeah I look differently from the way people here in Kansas think feminists do. It's awesome. Valen was there; he got extra credit for the whole thing because his English teacher was one of the "marshalls". Still, he would have been there anyway just to cheer us on.
Have not been that active myself recently so I have some catching up of my own to do. Speak more soon then