Soooo, guess what I did on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday...if you guessed that I shopped, you guessed correctly! I also worked last night and went out for dinner with some great friends and my love, Valen. It rocked so hard! This year is the first year ever I was that excited about my birthday...well, the first year I can remember being that excited about it! So, the first one I've been excited about since oh, age 5'ish. Anyway, I got some new shirts again, a BAM hat (I used to not be a Bam-o-phile, but the clothes are so damned comfy I don't mind havin his named splashed on em). I got a green shirt, this is the second green shirt I've gotten in the past few weeks, this is newsworthy because I generally shy away from green, as I have olive skin, but right now I look good in these two shirts. I also got Valen a new silver ring. I also went to my store Hastings and got Valen a CKY backpack for school, the book club edition of some Dune book and a few cd's and I got myself a Duff's Beer keychain, with a bottle opener. We spoil each other way too much! Well, it's time to save money though because on September 27th me and Valen and Darkdust and his girlfriend, Brenda are going to go to Chicago. The thing I love the most about this idea is that Chris and I never really got a honeymoon last year so...this will be 14 days after our 1 year anniversary... and will be treated as our honeymoon. Rumour has it Blue Man Group is going to be putting on a show while we are there so we are going to try to get in there and see them.
I have had another great weekend! I am so psyched for this week to start as well! Oh, I got some cash gifts from Chris's grandma and grandpa and his Aunt and Uncle, yeah I spent it all already, bought him some comics and stuff that he found in Lawrence and then went to Wal Mart and found us a dry erase calendar on which I have plotted out our paydays and our work schedules so we know who is doing what when. Gosh I am such a spender. I guess, I feel that after working so many hours a week I should kinda go ahead spend but I do know that I will have to go ahead and buckle down with the saving so that when we head out for Chicago we will have the money to be comfortable there.
P.S. Keeping the pics up for a while cuz i like em.
I have had another great weekend! I am so psyched for this week to start as well! Oh, I got some cash gifts from Chris's grandma and grandpa and his Aunt and Uncle, yeah I spent it all already, bought him some comics and stuff that he found in Lawrence and then went to Wal Mart and found us a dry erase calendar on which I have plotted out our paydays and our work schedules so we know who is doing what when. Gosh I am such a spender. I guess, I feel that after working so many hours a week I should kinda go ahead spend but I do know that I will have to go ahead and buckle down with the saving so that when we head out for Chicago we will have the money to be comfortable there.
P.S. Keeping the pics up for a while cuz i like em.
2) If you had to try to fill a thimble with water how would you do so? Very carefully
3) Do you believe that truth is the cornerstone of a relationship...and how does it differ from honesty? No, I believe that communication is THE cornerstone of a relationship...within that come truth and honesty