My girlfriend is just amazing! She's perfect for me and I absolutely adore her; it's time to make my life work better for her. I'm done putting things I should be doing on hold, I'm done not doing enough for us to be comfortable and I am done not feeling as if *I* do enough. I *need* to work more, to achieve my goals; I need a degree that allows for me to get a job that will be a career; one that will allow me to be a better provider for us. It's done, I'm over being lazy and just getting by in life. I'm not doing this just for her, I'm doing this just for us. I WILL do it for me and for her and for us
I'm really good at giving unsolicited advice that I don't practice myself but here goes. Don't be afraid to ask for help attaining your goals, if you need someone to hold you to your word do it...if however you are indeed self motivated to do this set a deadline and make sure you detail all the things you have to do on a list. that way its fun to cross them off the list and you get the thrill of accomplishment when ever you cross out another one.
I've got my eyes on you...