One bill plus 150 of another down only 566.02 to pay off for now and I am feelin good about this. To those who need to be paid back I have no forgotten, I'm just swamped with getting things paid off to keep me actually living in my home for a bit longer. I got this!
I guess another way of looking at it is that I'm glad I had enough to cover it all, even if there is none left. (Please Universe, no surprise bills until my next pay haha)
Yeah I've had a mixture of expressions, and a few are either avoiding me or have written me off. Not too bad, the ones I really care about love me no matter what.
I have a Christian friend who gave me similar advice, she wanted to respect me by telling me she cared but God says it's wrong. I've never been the religious type so it doesn't bother me what God says. I think as long as every human cares for each other and never acts in a way that is deceiptful or mean then that's all we would ever need - all religions have the same base principle anyway, they just believe a different deity said it. I also think that temptation is ok, as long as we remember moderation (and the whole not hurting other people thing.) I just think we should all be 'excellent to each other'.
I hope your Mum comes around