Well, I re wrote the paper and I did really well so far. I think I will get an "A". I got my summary for my "Informative Surprise" Essay (the next paper that we have to write, so basically I got the one revised and the other started and basically finished) and I got my introduction and my conclusion done as well, basicallly I have the whole paper written but it is in summary form. I am so happy that I got that done. I am pretty certain that Tuesday's workshop will help me cut the paper down and I will be good with that one.
I got a letter from work the other day stating that they were "concerned" about my performance at work. All in all what they are saying is that I am going to have to go in tomorrow and go in and have a "list of employment expectancies" read to me and then I will have to fill out a daily activity sheet showing them what I do with all my time and if there is no performance improvement then they will have to take further disciplinary action. In this letter she brought up the fact that I worked 31.75 hours in the month of January, and frankly she "wonders what was done during those hours." What the fuck? Honestly, 31.75 hours is not quite 1/3 of what I normally work during a month, I work TWO pay periods consisting of 50 hours each, so basically 100 hours a month. I was also told to come in for a few hours and to be there in a supervisory position. I was then told that there was still incomplete paperwork, so GIVE ME THE FUCKING PAPERWORK and if I can I WILL finish it DUH! I have not seen any incomplete paperwork. I mean, honestly; dumb bitch, states that she and other people refilled meds and med boxes...well yeah if it was for the two clients who live off-site from the office then fuck yes they did because I could NOT drive to their house and do it myself and I usually got to work after 7pm and that is after dark, I am a female, walking by myself after dark just to refill medboxes are you kidding? For fuck's sake inconsiderate people, besides I was told to go in and be there in case I was needed. In the scheme of things, they had people subbing for me in other words these people were in charge of the position and they should have been covering and doing all the paperwork and refilling medboxes at the least, I mean that is all we are expected to do. Then there are payees and parents and clients and staff complaining about me. I JUST STARTED in my current position, so if she is talking about people complaining about me in my old position then that is MOOT because DUH I am no longer there. I don't get it, I told her when I started working at this job "if you have a problem with me tell me about it right away so that I can be aware of this and get it taken care of" . She then went on to state that taking time off for school work and for birthdays and getting off early were not appropriate reasons to get off from work. She is referencing when I was off for my husband's birthday...I was sick that day and had I not asked for it off the day before I would have called in sick that day anyway and was sick for a week and a half afterwards, I told her that flat out when I went in to chat and make certain that there was sufficient coverage that night. If she had not let me off this past Wednesday to do my paper I would not have been happy but I would have come in to work had she just said "no, we really can't let you do that." I mean what the fuck was she just looking for something else to reference on this damned letter? She is my boss, she gets to tell me "no." ARGHHHHH!!!!! The thing that really pisses me off is that I KNOW FOR A FACT, that the bitch I said was tattling on me was given time off so that she could study for some tests two weeks ago. Hrmmm, weird. I mean we were told that it was because she was working so hard and covering so much that week, but she did NOT work any more than her usual 6 hours a day, so that means that she was given special treatment, I would really rather not fail as well. The night that she took off was the night before I had a test in Sociology and History and my English paper due and I was not feeling quite well yet (I was coming off the week and a half illness that had me not at work from thew nght of my husband's b-day on a Tuesday til the following Wednesday) and I was still at work; but I am the one who is getting this little letter about job performance. I have not been on my cell phone while on the job nor on my laptop either since a week before she tattled on me and she tattled on me two weeks ago, hello they are just getting around to this now basically three weeks later?
This daily activity sheet is going to have me writing things like
"took so and so shopping tonight...as usual" and "did so and so's laundry as usual" I am serious, I am not filling this shit out without letting them know that this is shit that I have been doing all along. I am also looking for another job because this is bullshit. If I have to I will quit and then take them to court for disobeying the Department of Labor Laws on breaks (certain employees are expected to work 10 hours a day on the weekend without any breaks and if you do take a break you HAVE to make that time up on the end of your shift) even a 5 hour shift should have a 30 minute break and we get nothing either. I will also take them to court for blatant lying to me. They told me that the Department of Labor says that people cannot be employed for two agencies that collaborate for more than 40 hours a week or one of the agencies will be expected to pay over time...that was a lie, it's a fucking grey area. Then there is the fact that they do not pay holiday pay and yet we HAVE to work holidays.
I was also told that I have far too many days with over 5 hours and extra time MUST be okayed ahead of time. Ok, they think I am not doing my job and then they bitch at me for staying later when I get stuck doing last minute things to make clients happy. What??? Which is it? Am I not doing my job or am I doing my job too well???? And if I am staying late to keep clients happy then they damned well had better had name the clients who complain and they had better be clients who are currently MY concern or I am going to explode.
I got a letter from work the other day stating that they were "concerned" about my performance at work. All in all what they are saying is that I am going to have to go in tomorrow and go in and have a "list of employment expectancies" read to me and then I will have to fill out a daily activity sheet showing them what I do with all my time and if there is no performance improvement then they will have to take further disciplinary action. In this letter she brought up the fact that I worked 31.75 hours in the month of January, and frankly she "wonders what was done during those hours." What the fuck? Honestly, 31.75 hours is not quite 1/3 of what I normally work during a month, I work TWO pay periods consisting of 50 hours each, so basically 100 hours a month. I was also told to come in for a few hours and to be there in a supervisory position. I was then told that there was still incomplete paperwork, so GIVE ME THE FUCKING PAPERWORK and if I can I WILL finish it DUH! I have not seen any incomplete paperwork. I mean, honestly; dumb bitch, states that she and other people refilled meds and med boxes...well yeah if it was for the two clients who live off-site from the office then fuck yes they did because I could NOT drive to their house and do it myself and I usually got to work after 7pm and that is after dark, I am a female, walking by myself after dark just to refill medboxes are you kidding? For fuck's sake inconsiderate people, besides I was told to go in and be there in case I was needed. In the scheme of things, they had people subbing for me in other words these people were in charge of the position and they should have been covering and doing all the paperwork and refilling medboxes at the least, I mean that is all we are expected to do. Then there are payees and parents and clients and staff complaining about me. I JUST STARTED in my current position, so if she is talking about people complaining about me in my old position then that is MOOT because DUH I am no longer there. I don't get it, I told her when I started working at this job "if you have a problem with me tell me about it right away so that I can be aware of this and get it taken care of" . She then went on to state that taking time off for school work and for birthdays and getting off early were not appropriate reasons to get off from work. She is referencing when I was off for my husband's birthday...I was sick that day and had I not asked for it off the day before I would have called in sick that day anyway and was sick for a week and a half afterwards, I told her that flat out when I went in to chat and make certain that there was sufficient coverage that night. If she had not let me off this past Wednesday to do my paper I would not have been happy but I would have come in to work had she just said "no, we really can't let you do that." I mean what the fuck was she just looking for something else to reference on this damned letter? She is my boss, she gets to tell me "no." ARGHHHHH!!!!! The thing that really pisses me off is that I KNOW FOR A FACT, that the bitch I said was tattling on me was given time off so that she could study for some tests two weeks ago. Hrmmm, weird. I mean we were told that it was because she was working so hard and covering so much that week, but she did NOT work any more than her usual 6 hours a day, so that means that she was given special treatment, I would really rather not fail as well. The night that she took off was the night before I had a test in Sociology and History and my English paper due and I was not feeling quite well yet (I was coming off the week and a half illness that had me not at work from thew nght of my husband's b-day on a Tuesday til the following Wednesday) and I was still at work; but I am the one who is getting this little letter about job performance. I have not been on my cell phone while on the job nor on my laptop either since a week before she tattled on me and she tattled on me two weeks ago, hello they are just getting around to this now basically three weeks later?
This daily activity sheet is going to have me writing things like
"took so and so shopping tonight...as usual" and "did so and so's laundry as usual" I am serious, I am not filling this shit out without letting them know that this is shit that I have been doing all along. I am also looking for another job because this is bullshit. If I have to I will quit and then take them to court for disobeying the Department of Labor Laws on breaks (certain employees are expected to work 10 hours a day on the weekend without any breaks and if you do take a break you HAVE to make that time up on the end of your shift) even a 5 hour shift should have a 30 minute break and we get nothing either. I will also take them to court for blatant lying to me. They told me that the Department of Labor says that people cannot be employed for two agencies that collaborate for more than 40 hours a week or one of the agencies will be expected to pay over time...that was a lie, it's a fucking grey area. Then there is the fact that they do not pay holiday pay and yet we HAVE to work holidays.
I was also told that I have far too many days with over 5 hours and extra time MUST be okayed ahead of time. Ok, they think I am not doing my job and then they bitch at me for staying later when I get stuck doing last minute things to make clients happy. What??? Which is it? Am I not doing my job or am I doing my job too well???? And if I am staying late to keep clients happy then they damned well had better had name the clients who complain and they had better be clients who are currently MY concern or I am going to explode.
And this is why I want to be the boss.. I'm sick of mangement breathing down my neck for no apperent reason.. FUCk it, let's start a revolution!
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