Torn between these two sentiments...Let ME REST IN PEACE, LET ME TAKE MY LOVE AND BURY IT IN A HOLE SIX FOOT DEEP; and "I'm under your spell..."

So I missed your previous blogs because I was out of town and kind of out of touch.
Admitting all of this is brave and a big deal. No matter who it's for.
You are a lovely lovely person and master's or no master's, i still love your face.
I hope things work out, if not, I'm at least glad that this relationship has allowed you to be free from the prison of lies you built.
My last two blogs have to do with more that I felt the need to be honest with everyone, not just that one person. This honesty extends from myself to everyone. Now, comes the part of this that I don't understand. I see that the woman I hurt has posted on facebook that she is wondering how she became the bad person for refusing to...
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I've been reading your blogs and I commend you for your honesty, however late it may be. Swallowing pride is a hard thing to do, but it will set you free.
No, the 2 liars never have admitted to any of their lies. If they had while I still gave a shit, it may have salvaged some sort of trust. Sorry, I didn't mean for it to sound like no one will ever believe in you again once you come clean. With these two, it was me finding things out and being a good enough observer to catch them in lies. And they would be denied every time I brought them up, even the times I had solid proof. One ex used to text other girls and I SAW the messages. He would later delete them and swear I had made up what I'd seen and I was crazy. Really fucks with you.

Knowing that you are totally coming clean to everyone in all this is amazing and you are being so strong. Especially with so many things extending back over such a period of time. I hope you will be able to feel the weight lifted, even if it is heavy for a while.
And while doing it for the people you care so much about, do it just as much for yourself.
**DISCLAIMER** Biggest lie does not mean that the other two are irrelevant. Biggest simply states the one which took the most time and effort and made all the "littler" lies even harder to keep up and remember. Truly a tangled web.

My previous, blog if you read it dealt with the fact that I have lied. To everyone. I thought in writing that last blog...
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One point that I feel obligated to make as a veteran... A truly "dishonorable discharge" can only be issued if you were convicted of a general court martial. So unless you stood before a jury of your military peers and were convicted of a crime in a military court, you are likely confusing the type of discharge that was given to you. If you did in fact have a dishonorable discharge you would not be able to vote or own property in the United States, you would essentially have the equivalent of a felony conviction. DADT was a travesty and I'm sorry that you had to go through anything related to it, but if you really do want to come clean about your past it might be worth properly stating the conditions of your prior military service. Best of luck and I hope coming clean as you have works out for the best for you.
That took a truck load of guts to post all of that here.

And since none of those three things has ever come in any conversation with me. So you are safe from worrying about any of that in my direction.

Here is my $0.02 worth of advice. Anyone who is going to judge you on who you were, or where you came from, isn't worth your time. I am not particularly proud of where I came from, I did a similar move across the country, in part to escape everyone know where I came from, and being pigeonholed as that person still.

But there comes a point when you have a choice, you can be someone who fits the roles that other people expect you to fit, or you can just be you. It sounds like you are on the second path. And if you need a shoulder to lean on anywhere along the way let me know.

*Sending Hugs*

I am a liar, I have lied about things in my past to everyone to escape what my life was. I lied to transplant myself to the life that I want to have lived as opposed to the life I did live.. The life that made and still does make me completely uncomfortable and fearful of someone who should have been my ultimate protector. This...
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Love you whatever
I understand why. We have walked similar paths through hell, you and I.

I am so ready for it to be this weekend!!!! I am going to be going out to VIP in Riverside on Saturday August 18, 2012 and then to Oasis on Sunday August 19, 2012 in celebration of my birthday which is Monday August 20, 2012. I will be 33! YEAH, gettin OLD!

On an even better note, my girlfriend will be coming with me....
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Happy Birthday!
So sad I missed it. Love you all the same!
Thank you, MissMandyMay!!! I AM BAAAAACCCCKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like the shaved head blush
miss you too
i'm ok i guess, busy ass hell
how are you sexy lady?
miss you too

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wooooot welcome back girlfriend!
My top two wisdom teefers came out today, I am going to clean them, polish them up and wrap some wire around them and turn them into necklace pendants...that is all.
Everything's been going pretty well for me. Hope things have been looking up for you as well!
Haha cool! Hope you're not in pain anymore. I haven't had mine out but I've seen how painful it can be frown
I screwed up, I don't think of things in the same way other people do I guess. I mean finances and being stable are really big deals for people and for me too. I just don't think of things like telling my girlfriend that I had to cash out my MMA well it was more like a CD to make sure that I paid back...
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I almost didn't have enough to make my loan payment this time. It'll be tight for a bit. eeek
I hate when I worry about money - it can be a real downer on enjoying life hey?!

We all go through tight spots and hey, if you manage to scrape by even if it means having to sacrifice then you still have met your responsibility.

I bet your girl wants to be there for you in your time of need, that might be why she wanted to know. smile
One bill plus 150 of another down only 566.02 to pay off for now and I am feelin good about this. To those who need to be paid back I have no forgotten, I'm just swamped with getting things paid off to keep me actually living in my home for a bit longer. I got this! biggrin.
Yay Emface that is awesome <333 and yes I WANNA BE A PIRATE!!!! biggrin
Damn those bills!! Mine are climbing at the moment. Just had to scrape everything I had left to get my cats teeth fixed (just adopted a special needs Sphynx and he had baaddd teeth). But he's fixed now. Bank empty lol.

I guess another way of looking at it is that I'm glad I had enough to cover it all, even if there is none left. (Please Universe, no surprise bills until my next pay haha)

Yeah I've had a mixture of expressions, and a few are either avoiding me or have written me off. Not too bad, the ones I really care about love me no matter what.

I have a Christian friend who gave me similar advice, she wanted to respect me by telling me she cared but God says it's wrong. I've never been the religious type so it doesn't bother me what God says. I think as long as every human cares for each other and never acts in a way that is deceiptful or mean then that's all we would ever need - all religions have the same base principle anyway, they just believe a different deity said it. I also think that temptation is ok, as long as we remember moderation (and the whole not hurting other people thing.) I just think we should all be 'excellent to each other'.

I hope your Mum comes around smile and glad your Bro is a sweety. He would know you better than anyone, and from the little I've seen you're a sweety too!!