Turgid, Turbid, Flaccid, Placid
Turgid: stiff, erect, as an erect penis.
and its opposite
Flaccid: soft, deflated, sagging.
Turbid: stirred up, agitated, as a turbid stream.
and its opposite
Placid: calm, serene, undisturbed.
Turgid, Turbid, Flaccid, Placid
I use these words every day.
Turgid: stiff, erect, as an erect penis.
and its opposite
Flaccid: soft, deflated, sagging.
Turbid: stirred up, agitated, as a turbid stream.
and its opposite
Placid: calm, serene, undisturbed.
Turgid, Turbid, Flaccid, Placid
I use these words every day.

and every day no less
Is my life placid or turbid? When I lay down to sleep, what stream of thoughts float through my head? Placid ones of peace and love and insight? Or is the current stronger, more turbid, stirrings of fear and sadness and regret? It is fair to say these questions should cross men's minds now and then.
I also believe that folding my girlfriend's underwear as I finish the laundry is a sacred act.