Hello my Dear:
There is an event in the sky tonight. A satellite pass over will cause a bright glare in the southwest sky at approximately 11:35 p.m. This event is fixed in time. It actually happened here on June 23, 2003, folks. Dick Goddard told me so. I wonder what I shall see. A man made shooting star? Ive seen these before. They look like a flare, glowing with brighter intensity across the sky until it begins to fade and disappear into the nighttime of deep space.
So, Im standing there on the northeast corner of Lincoln Park, looking up onto the southwest sky, and my mind begins to wander as I scan the sky looking for signs of the appointed arrival of the satellite glare. My thoughts turn to the CD I was listening to earlier this evening, a CD of all of Todd Rundgeren songs redone in bossa nova by Todd Rundgeren. And I was thinking how great the song I Saw the Light was, and how his bossa nova version of the song would fit well into a wedding. And I was standing there in the darkness of the open park, staring up at the dark sky, I thought of you and me dancing to the song, I Saw the Light. That very instant, I saw the light of the passing satellite in the night sky. It flickered, like a white flame, and then the glow steadily intensified until it was the brightest object in the sky. Then it faded away. I had seen the light, momma. For a fleeting moment, sweet pea, I had seen the light. I love you more than you know. Happy Belated Bloomsday.
Turning your orbit around.
Love, S.
There is an event in the sky tonight. A satellite pass over will cause a bright glare in the southwest sky at approximately 11:35 p.m. This event is fixed in time. It actually happened here on June 23, 2003, folks. Dick Goddard told me so. I wonder what I shall see. A man made shooting star? Ive seen these before. They look like a flare, glowing with brighter intensity across the sky until it begins to fade and disappear into the nighttime of deep space.
So, Im standing there on the northeast corner of Lincoln Park, looking up onto the southwest sky, and my mind begins to wander as I scan the sky looking for signs of the appointed arrival of the satellite glare. My thoughts turn to the CD I was listening to earlier this evening, a CD of all of Todd Rundgeren songs redone in bossa nova by Todd Rundgeren. And I was thinking how great the song I Saw the Light was, and how his bossa nova version of the song would fit well into a wedding. And I was standing there in the darkness of the open park, staring up at the dark sky, I thought of you and me dancing to the song, I Saw the Light. That very instant, I saw the light of the passing satellite in the night sky. It flickered, like a white flame, and then the glow steadily intensified until it was the brightest object in the sky. Then it faded away. I had seen the light, momma. For a fleeting moment, sweet pea, I had seen the light. I love you more than you know. Happy Belated Bloomsday.
Turning your orbit around.
Love, S.