Prevent Despair
(On the Inauguration of Our New Offices)
'tis better to be blind to injustice than deaf to suffering,
Though blindness is bad enough.
The protocols, the transcript, the pomp and imprisonment
The hat in hand, or a more tenacious defense?
The masons had such simple tools
and build such grand cathedrals.
But now the altar is askew, a crack runs through,
from Portal to Sentimental Scales.
Whether constellations or juggernauts or jackals on meat
Always remember to ask of the stand
This most important query of the contendere at hand:
"Please reveal to us, once and for all, who, truly, did frew dat ham?"
(On the Inauguration of Our New Offices)
'tis better to be blind to injustice than deaf to suffering,
Though blindness is bad enough.
The protocols, the transcript, the pomp and imprisonment
The hat in hand, or a more tenacious defense?
The masons had such simple tools
and build such grand cathedrals.
But now the altar is askew, a crack runs through,
from Portal to Sentimental Scales.
Whether constellations or juggernauts or jackals on meat
Always remember to ask of the stand
This most important query of the contendere at hand:
"Please reveal to us, once and for all, who, truly, did frew dat ham?"
On the occasion of this dreadful execution before the world, I turn to wise individuals for their insights. I turn to Arkin in Catch 22.
The death penalty is abhorrent and archaic and uncivil and brutal and inhumane. And it is immoral. Ask Christ or Kant or Yossarian Yossarian. Those who celebrate in the extermination of another should remind themselves that he was hanged for celebrating in the extermination of others. Your blood lust is a 20th century construct. Please evolve.