Sunday Jan 25, 2004 Jan 25, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email Hmmm, the washing machine is still broken, I'm broke, and my grandmother is calling me to complain, oh yeah it's a great sunday so far!!!! VIEW 4 of 4 COMMENTS mutanix: Well I am going through them all alphabeticaly. I am now in the Es. I will view them all! I hear there are wonders not to be discovered yet in the S section. And the Qs... oh the wonderful Qs Jan 26, 2004 blooman: lol, man I love your enthusiasm, I just hope it's catching. But it's good to see you in your natural element. Jan 26, 2004
I hear there are wonders not to be discovered yet in the S section. And the Qs... oh the wonderful Qs