Hi lovers ,
I'm coming back home from my work trip in Milan . I'm so tired but very very happy .
Are you ready for my next sets ?
In order I have in queque
• "Bright in the sky " by @albertine
It will be online in 1 week and 2 days . I need all your love and support on this super set
• " Bonsai " by the stunning @fishball . I love this set so much !! This is a preview , but the set will be released in 4 months and 2 weeks 😭😭😭
Yesterday I've shooted with @r_girardi . He's a stunning person . You must wait more time for our set but , Roberto is a great photographer and I appreciate his work a lot especially his personal black and white projects . This is one pic from yesterday . I'm so happy . I love this pic 😍
I'm really happy to have worked with these three very talented and professional photographers .
Hope you like our work too .