Hi guys I'm so busy in these weeks . I'm working on my new sets , i'm planning my next work travel ( I return 2 weeks ago from a great Journey in London with @redsnow ) and so on .
My second Sg set will be online very soon (about 2 weeks) . It's more glamour Than erotic , and not so explicit , but I hope u Like it .
I hope that I'll turn Pink in The next months but it's so difficult with The stunning Hopeful there are here . 💕 I love so much @redsnow , @brisen and @tribe 😍😍
I love your comments and support on my first set and I hope you'll enjoy my new set that coming in next weeks and months ( Yes I'be other sets in queque😊😊)
I also need your help . I've created my profile on Patreon
I have a lot of goals - dreams . One of this is a choise of an outfit For my new Sg set .
I have For my monthly supporters a lot of super cool unpublished incentives and giveaway . On Patreon i combined my passion For modeling with my activity on The animal front . In fact a part of money They u give me , will be donated to "Pet Levrieri" an onlus that fight Against Galgos and greyhound abuse in spain and Ireland . One goal is For support The built of my canine centre and a sanctuary For rescued dogs and other animals
If u want search me ( Blooma Blossom ) on Patreon and support my work . I have For you a lot of incentives . If u support me you support a big cause .
Thank u so much