@tcha 36 questions, are you fucking serious?
1. do you like bleu cheese ? That really depends, I had it on pizza and it was okay.
2. coke or pepsi : Coffee
3. do you own a gun ? Nope
4. what flavor kool aid ? Without googling it, I think this is some sort of freestyle band
5. what do you think of hot dogs ? I love making my own, and I always at too many of those bastards
6. favortie TV show ? Vikings
7. favorite movies ? Too many. Here are some rare ones: Ben X, Les Maรฎtres du Temps and not so rare Leon the professional
8. what do you drink in the morning ? Coffee
9 can you do a pushup ? ~ 30
10. favorite jewelriy ? I have none. Really no shit.
11. favorite hobby ? Painting, Programming (but that became less, since I made it my job)
12. do you have a d h d? No.
13. do you wear glasses ? Yes I'm at -8.5 diopte I can't see shit without them.
14. Favorite cartoon character? Venom
15. three things i did today ? I wasn't late at work, went to the post office, started the next painting
16. three things i drink regularly ? Coffee, apple juice, water
17. current dislike ? LOL Patreon, you all know why
18. favorite place to go ? My shower
19. how did you bring in the new year ? I can't remember
20. where would you like to go ? North England
21. name five people who wil do this ? @ainoa @lorii @kittyqueen @mila @kwanon (blame @tcha)
22. favorite color ? Vermillion
23. do you like to sleep on satin sheets ? Don't have those
24. can you whislte ? Yes
25. what are you doing right now ? Painting
26. would you be a pirate ? Only if I can visit booty bay
27. favorite food ? Pancakes
28. last thing/person that made me laugh ? Ainoa
29. last time you received flowers ? Can't remember
30. most recent injury ? Tendon strain
31. how many pets are in your house ? None
32. worst pain ever : Got kicked in the balls when I was younger
33. do you like to dance ? Yes, but I need a few minutes and I don't want to dance alone. I dance alone at home when no one sees it :P
34. are your parents still alive? I guess
35. do you love yourlife ? Could be worse, could be better.
36. Summer or winter ? Dude Winter, I love snow