so i dont know what 2 do...we go from serious fight and her telling me that she hates me and i am why she does the things that she does to the next morning or an hour or two later of I'm sorry...I know she loved me but I really only have one concern right now and that is to be there for her and be her friend. like my friend said to her "situation" ... "we are friends first " and that is what I am all about. with all commitment to that....I do still love her and I know that she is my sole mate and my purpose for living but If all i can have is her friendship than that is what it is. I hope she can deal with that....for the past few days we have been talking and not fighting. I asked for some info about her present situation, as her friend in concern for her well being, and I really didn't handle it very well but I just really wasn't ready to her from her that she has been with this new guy and has feelings for him like no other. NOT READY TO HEAR THAT!!!! But life is what it is and I hope that we have a future together even if its just friends. I only just want her to be happy and not in any harm. I was nothing like her past boyfriends except I ran in fear to tell her how I really felt and even in my physical journal I have written in there that I was dealing with these feelings for about a year. I just was afreai to tell her and she would run. I couldn't deal with that. But now I am and I dont want to lose her in my life. I know that it is hard but I am willing to do everything I can to be there for her. Cause I need her as much as she needs me.
i know exactly how your are feeling right now. i was pretty much in this same situation almost a year ago when my boyfriend and i broke up. unfortunatly in my case it turned out that we couldnt be friends. it was just too painful. it's hard always having that one person that you can tell everything too and then one day they're just gone. but in time you start to feel numb and you get used to the fact that things are different. but i hope for you that you can figure out a way to have a friendship with this girl and that you maybe find a way to be happy for her and the feelings she has for this new guy. it's probably not going to be easy though.
i wish you all the best of luck in your difficult situation.