Well, I survived the weekend. Didn't do a whole lot. I did however, see Day After Tomorrow. It was decent. Creepy, but decent. Jake Gyllenhaal is yummy!! I get scared easily, so it really creeped me out.
Friend bleh is over. I got that all finalized and tucked away. Yay. That's a lot off my mind.
My school stuff is getting under way. FINALLY. It's about damn time too. I ain't getting any younger. I'm glad I'm taking this step. Its so needed and so overdue. I feel like I'm wasting away here. I need to get this year (cause its cosmetology school) out of the way so I can move and be closer to the next part of my life. So yay again for me.
Friend bleh is over. I got that all finalized and tucked away. Yay. That's a lot off my mind.
My school stuff is getting under way. FINALLY. It's about damn time too. I ain't getting any younger. I'm glad I'm taking this step. Its so needed and so overdue. I feel like I'm wasting away here. I need to get this year (cause its cosmetology school) out of the way so I can move and be closer to the next part of my life. So yay again for me.
Thanks for letting me know it works. I guess you have to have friends to make it work.
Nice to see things working out for you. Your still getting back at it a lot earlier than I did. Good luck to you.