Can you be in love with a girl you have never met? I thought yes at first but when I thought about it I decided no was probably the more honest answer. I am not in love with the girl. I am in love with the idea I have of the girl. Having never actually talked to her I don't believe real love is there....
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I like Corvallis, OR. I also do not like Corvallis, OR.
The cool bars and beautiful college girls all remind me of how shy and socially anxious I am. At least I went out to the bar right? That doesn't feel good enough though. Oh well.
Work has been fun. We are upgrading a monopole cell tower to with LTE equipment and antennas. Some great...
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Im having trouble with that story. I meant to come back to it but now its gone. Dunno where is went but it took all of my creativity with it.
I'll be in Corvallis, Or starting tomorrow morning for work though. Should be fun. Its a new place for me and I love my job. Anyone ever been?

When I was little my dad use to hold me on his shoulders and tell me stories about the stars. None of them ever really happened of course but that did mean I loved them any less. Here is one of the few that I remember with any clarity.

To be continued.

Well she died. Apparently ten minutes before my parents arrived. The suffering is gone.
Well the news keeps on coming this week. My friend got lost in the gulf of mexico and is probably gone forever. And now I was just told my grandma on my Dad's side is saturated with cancer. They gave her 2 months.

That's awful frown
Yeah im not to excited. Hello rum.
So a friend of mine from the Navy grabbed a fishing pole, a life vest, and his kayak and headed out into the gulf of the coast of Louisiana for a simple little day of fishing. They found his kayak, vest, and pole overturned in the gulf without him. The coast guard and associates search over 3,000 square miles and found nothing.
I suppose he...
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Oh and there is a fire somewhere and my neighbor's dog thinks he is a fire truck so sleep should be, well lets be honest here, it probably won't happen for a bit.
I have bedsheet now and memory foam pillow again. Sucks I have to leave the beed to do things like work and eat and shower.
I think I've become a thrift store addict. I could spend hours wandering through them looking at things.
I want to brew some beer again soon. Thinking about ordering a 1 gallon kit I saw online.
I feel very numb...
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Someone please explain the feminist movement to me. They really give off the image of being a bunch of man hating thundercunts. That image must change because I think the movement can do some good.
I love the idea of advocating for equal rights for ALL HUMANS but why the hate while you fight the good fight? Maybe I am missing something but from what...
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