Weed is boring. I wont say no if offered but ill stick to beer. Less coughing and more fun.
Also i bought a coat made for adults. I have been trying to make an effort to be an adult. Actually thats a lie. Im trying to make and effort to apear like an adult. I be a kid forever but i want to dress nicer....
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Effort is what counts wink
Well I bought I pipe. I wouldnt call myself a smoker but a friend said "here have this" today. Guess i got to him with my bitching about my stitches hurting. So on the way home I picked up some glass. I'll let you know how it goes.
And now about work. I've been scheduled to start my classes that will lead to me being...
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The fireworks are going off for new years. Inside my apartment it sounds like a bubble wrap factory that had a stampede storm through it. I have been up since yesterday at 5am.
Fuck new years.
That is all.

Fuck it all.
I am miss poopy face right now
A very nice break from work I have had. My brother came up and we watched movies and drank and the Tardis room. Was more mellow there then I expected but it was the day before christmas after all. I still had a good time. Good beer, good shots, free pool, and my brother. We ended upo staying overnight there in a shitty little hotel...
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Got a raise. Cool. Was thinking of asking for one in Jan but my boss beat me to it. This check will be nice. Many 18 hour days(like tonight) and overtime. Also a bonus and a christmas bonus. With that and the raise I expect fireworks.
And yeah I know my blog is boring as of late but you try being entertaining at 2am after...
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Wow. No work today. Weird right? Yeah I though so to. I start back sometime on Tuesday apparently. This one will be another small tower. A 60 footer and only 3 antennas. More traveling though. My apartment still looks like I just moved in...

Also, does anyone in Washington state want to fight? Mutual Combat

Wanting another page is what I want to hear smile
If one thing in your life disappeared what would it do to you? Can be good or bad just tell me about it. For me the thing that pops into my head is my Jeep. I have basically been living out of it for the past few months. Im not homeless or anything, I have an apartment. I just travel a lot for work. I...
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Maybe ill text it to you. the details i mean.
I had a dream about us. It was another wonderful night in front of the fire. There we were naked and on the oft carpet covered in the warm of the fire. The plan was never lust but our craving for each other is obscene. It wasn't long before there was two fires in the room. One was lit with matches and the other was...
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Im still alive. smile My first consecutive days off in a month, Visiting my brother and drinking till Im not sore lol. Gonna go see Red Dawn and then most likely complaining about how the original was better. And thrift shopping.


I don't get out enough. That is what my friend tells me. Yeah I only really have one. I have some how managed to forget how to make friends. I remember doing okay when I was little but now I'm a ghost ship. The shape of me is still there but something is missing. I think my friend realized this as well and that's...
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The past haunts us and lingers. It clouds the mind and obscures logic only showing us the path of the most enjoyment and smiles. The bad, no that's not right. The solvable problems that once looked insurmountable are ghosted by the intense joy of those times when everything flowed and went 'right'. Does a man ignore those issues and live specifically in the moment? Should...
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dawww...it's cool. i put it out there but juuuust enough. ha!

passion and threats are both good things.
Love this smile