So tired....
Why don't i sleep more? It used to be my favorite activity! I heard a crazy story about a man from the US who, after getting some light brain damage in a car crash, could not sleep. He was (apparently) physically unable to shut his body down. After a long period of semi-psychotic episodes he managed to train himself into a meditative state. During his meditations he would recuperate faster than if he where asleep.
So here is my question; do i need to sleep? If i force myself to stay up days o end will i find myself in a new state of consciousness?
Why don't i sleep more? It used to be my favorite activity! I heard a crazy story about a man from the US who, after getting some light brain damage in a car crash, could not sleep. He was (apparently) physically unable to shut his body down. After a long period of semi-psychotic episodes he managed to train himself into a meditative state. During his meditations he would recuperate faster than if he where asleep.
So here is my question; do i need to sleep? If i force myself to stay up days o end will i find myself in a new state of consciousness?
Dormir enroul dans de bonnes grosses couvertures chaudes ! Se caller malade la job juste pour faire la grasse-matine !
Voil ce que tu vas manquer si tu ne dors plus !!!
I love sleeping too but I can function really well without sleep. All-nighters are no problems for me. I used to pull them 2-3 times a month. And I used to average 5-6 hours only a night.