New day.

Job could take me to eastern washington soon. Others places possible but who knows.
Im gonna buy some whiskey. What should I get?
Im watching k-pax right now.
I like the smell of heated sandalwood oil.
My useless talent is scratching my ear with my big toe.
Im thinking of trading my pc in for a laptop because i never use it despite...
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The scratching your ear part just cracked me up :')
Im glad I could help you laugh smile
Home after 3 days of school.

93% on he test. All that worry for nothing. Now certified to install 2g/3g/4g cell sites. Fuck yeah.

Pretty amazing! kiss
Weed is boring. I wont say no if offered but ill stick to beer. Less coughing and more fun.
Also i bought a coat made for adults. I have been trying to make an effort to be an adult. Actually thats a lie. Im trying to make and effort to apear like an adult. I be a kid forever but i want to dress nicer....
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Effort is what counts wink
Well I bought I pipe. I wouldnt call myself a smoker but a friend said "here have this" today. Guess i got to him with my bitching about my stitches hurting. So on the way home I picked up some glass. I'll let you know how it goes.
And now about work. I've been scheduled to start my classes that will lead to me being...
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The fireworks are going off for new years. Inside my apartment it sounds like a bubble wrap factory that had a stampede storm through it. I have been up since yesterday at 5am.
Fuck new years.
That is all.

Fuck it all.
I am miss poopy face right now
A very nice break from work I have had. My brother came up and we watched movies and drank and the Tardis room. Was more mellow there then I expected but it was the day before christmas after all. I still had a good time. Good beer, good shots, free pool, and my brother. We ended upo staying overnight there in a shitty little hotel...
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Got a raise. Cool. Was thinking of asking for one in Jan but my boss beat me to it. This check will be nice. Many 18 hour days(like tonight) and overtime. Also a bonus and a christmas bonus. With that and the raise I expect fireworks.
And yeah I know my blog is boring as of late but you try being entertaining at 2am after...
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Wow. No work today. Weird right? Yeah I though so to. I start back sometime on Tuesday apparently. This one will be another small tower. A 60 footer and only 3 antennas. More traveling though. My apartment still looks like I just moved in...

Also, does anyone in Washington state want to fight? Mutual Combat

Wanting another page is what I want to hear smile