hmm met a cute girl today;; a little bigger then i usually go for but it doesnt bother me. i met her on ok cupid and we went for a nature walk with her friend, kinda wish her friend wasnt there it put me on complete gaurd because i knew ntohing about her atleast i had been messege alex for a bit so i knew her kinda. but hey alex said she had fun although she didnt seem to really mean it well worse that can happen is i never talk to her again and well what have i really lost then right? so hopefully everything works out although she never txted me afterwords althoguh i didnt txt her either until i was done with my shit at like 10 so i will prolly hear form her tomorrow who knows you know. anyway played some dnd and warhammer today that was a great topper to the day about to crash and continue marching down this incredibly obscure path although the ground feels abit bumpy i may be ost some where in this darkness although i do know im searching for a root to keep me grounded idk if im going to ind it soon i hope i do not having one and diving into this buisness im working on could be bad. well when its all said and done everything will be allright so hakuna mattata
More Blogs
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Sunday Jun 26, 2011
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Sunday Jan 09, 2011
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