hey there im back. whats new hmm lets see. i'm taking bass lesson which are going well cold duck time and chameleon (both jazz tunes for those who dont know) have awesome bass lines which = fun to play. other then that im working at a local cafe which is awesome (side note the cafe is attached to a music store and is also where i take lessons just a tad convenient) listen to music all day talk to musicians drink coffee. hmm o got a new conversion van A.K.A the S.S. Fantasia or the porta living room its a chevy express limited SE with a conversion pack by explorer, between the front seats there is a coller and cup holders that stay hot or cold, standard TV VCR also has N64 hookups in it (hopefully get a little retro action goin on) hmmmm stil gettin high drinkin playin music. yeah thats about it van pics coming soon.