Well the new apt is mine and it will be all setup and hopefully unpacked tomorrow. just wish there was someone to share the 600 sqft with i guess i just hate being alone. i just really need advice right now im torn between two things and idk where to turn idk what to do i have no one to talk to that i feel will give me straight advice un wavered by past events and opinions.
Lay it all out and see who responds. I'm relatively good at giving advise I think, but I do my best to wait until it's asked for, which is sometimes hard for me... :/
well my issue is that im in love with this girl who i have dated before and i cut off the relationship beaceuse i i hadnt really dated so i wanted to figure out what was out there (im a learn from experience person
). anyway i would love to have what we had before but we have both changed and the actual problem she has found another and hes a decent guy just in trouble with the law for drug problems and if it wasnt for that i would just be friends with her as i am and leave it be because shes happy and thats what i want more then anything is for her to be happy but this guy is in and out of jail for months at a time has thousands of dollars in fees and i know she deserves better then that but shes happy when shes with him i just dont know what to do.