hey there (god he says that a lot) just haven't posted in a while so figured i would update you know. 1.) still don't know if anyone reads these 2.) i might end up failing my mics and theory class for attendance because i missed another lab. 3.) still haven't been rescheduled for music theory or csi. 4.) th th th thats all folks.
well for that part anyway. i thin i have figured out my next tattoo I'm thinking a cemetery style fence but in stead of bars have broken gears interweaving to make the fence and at the Gate I'm gonna have a Dalmatian with 2 black dots over her eyes in remembrance of my dog Boxer which was put down along with rex my dads dog. but my first one is almost healed
well for that part anyway. i thin i have figured out my next tattoo I'm thinking a cemetery style fence but in stead of bars have broken gears interweaving to make the fence and at the Gate I'm gonna have a Dalmatian with 2 black dots over her eyes in remembrance of my dog Boxer which was put down along with rex my dads dog. but my first one is almost healed