We buried her today. It was rather sad. Tough thing is..since she is being buried in a military base..she can have no flowers..so we trucked about 4 large pieces back to my 'rents house and mine. I have a house full of flowers now! Its rather nice..the cats love it. My allergies..do not.
Ok..off to make some coffee and dream up new tattoos that I can get. Oh..the new site releases June 17th...www.sunkarma.net- (the modeling portfolio). Can't wait. Its kick ass. Just saw the preview...FLASH...Flash art (tats) and other interesting things. Plus 168 pics of me (my portfolio is rather large). Truly..from "GOTH" to "GLAM".

WHY do they have Nicole Kidman advertising for Stepford wives with long blonde hair..then in the preview with short brown hair? Isn't that more than just a mere supsension of belief (and perhaps suspension with hair extension..lol).
I just watched an excellent movie.."Feast of All Saints" by Anne Rice. I have had that 2 set tape sitting around my house for a year now. Finally saw it. Wow. I had no idea that my ancestors went through so much bullshit. Makes me look at things a bit differently and analyze things more. I am in the same mood as I was in when I watched "SANKOFA"..which was a wonderful film..but had me straight riled up for about 2 weeks.
That whole "plessage" thing (and forgive my mis-spelling of the french term) really pissed me off. But you know what? Thats still going on today...