Ok, so I am home sick today, and I thought I would spend the time looking at naked ladies, and updating all of you! So, here I am, and here you are:
I am officially a Roller Girl, now! I am a Dallas Derby Devil, and I skate for the Slaughterers! You can find info about our league and my team at the Derby Devils Website.
xcdat and I went on a trip a few weeks ago to see his mom, in the mountains of Ark-an-SAW. That was awesome. It was neat to see the mountains and outside-stuff. It was not-so-neat to see a deer strung-up to a tree, skinned from the neck down in some one's front yard, seriously, like right next to their house. That'd be like you pulling up in their driveway and parking next to that. Eww. We had to drive like 10-15 minutes up a mountain to get to their house, but I really liked it there (besides the deer carcus). It was a nice get-away. I felt a lot less stress, it was just nice to have a break.
While we were in the car, I spent some time on the way back writing. Which I haven't done in the longest time! I miss it sooo! I wrote my Skater Biography for the DDD site. If you haven't read any skater bios before, they are actually quite good, check the link up ^^^there and read a few! My skate name is Blood Storm, and I came up with this dark tale of how I found derby.
In short:
It starts with me working overnight at a blood bank, and I am approached by a vampire. He recruits me to be a Blood Runner. Basically someone that transports stolen blood from the blood bank to the underground Vampire City. After a while. I get caught by the Blood Bank, and have to flee. I get to the Underground City and I have to face the Elders bc of my failure. They basically give me my next assignment, which is to infiltrate the Slaughterers Roller Derby team, as that is the next best source of blood. They pass me my blood-red skates, and send me on my way.
Isn't that fantastic? When I get it typed-up and submitted, I'll have to post the whole thing. I am proud of it, lol!
I can't wait for my first Roller Girl photo shoot. It's gonna be done before the season starts in April. Right now we are just practicing and training for the up-coming season. This season is going to KICK ASS. We have so many good skaters on every team this year. My team, the Slaughterers, are the 2 season defending champs, so I am going to have to learn how to skate with the best of the best. Most of the girls I skate with are on the All Star Travel Team as well, they are just that damned good. So I am learning from the best!
Ok, so enough about derby...
xcdat and I are officially married one year and counting! November 9th was our anniversary! I can still stand him, how is that possible? lol
We've had a rough year, but I am looking forward to starting another new year with him. Ok enough mushy-gushy stuff.
My son is FIVE! Going on six even. He'll be 6 in June/Yikes. We have been having some issues here...school....goofing around. I really hope that he will learn how to operate within a classroom environment sometime before next school year. His school career depends on it.
What has happened to the funness that used to be SG? We need to get this gang back together. I miss yall.
Anyways, my head is pounding and I need some rest. Gotta get over this cold before practice Wed night!
erby Love:
Blood Storm
00078 (yes that is Blood spelled upside down. lol)
I am officially a Roller Girl, now! I am a Dallas Derby Devil, and I skate for the Slaughterers! You can find info about our league and my team at the Derby Devils Website.
xcdat and I went on a trip a few weeks ago to see his mom, in the mountains of Ark-an-SAW. That was awesome. It was neat to see the mountains and outside-stuff. It was not-so-neat to see a deer strung-up to a tree, skinned from the neck down in some one's front yard, seriously, like right next to their house. That'd be like you pulling up in their driveway and parking next to that. Eww. We had to drive like 10-15 minutes up a mountain to get to their house, but I really liked it there (besides the deer carcus). It was a nice get-away. I felt a lot less stress, it was just nice to have a break.
While we were in the car, I spent some time on the way back writing. Which I haven't done in the longest time! I miss it sooo! I wrote my Skater Biography for the DDD site. If you haven't read any skater bios before, they are actually quite good, check the link up ^^^there and read a few! My skate name is Blood Storm, and I came up with this dark tale of how I found derby.
In short:
It starts with me working overnight at a blood bank, and I am approached by a vampire. He recruits me to be a Blood Runner. Basically someone that transports stolen blood from the blood bank to the underground Vampire City. After a while. I get caught by the Blood Bank, and have to flee. I get to the Underground City and I have to face the Elders bc of my failure. They basically give me my next assignment, which is to infiltrate the Slaughterers Roller Derby team, as that is the next best source of blood. They pass me my blood-red skates, and send me on my way.
Isn't that fantastic? When I get it typed-up and submitted, I'll have to post the whole thing. I am proud of it, lol!
I can't wait for my first Roller Girl photo shoot. It's gonna be done before the season starts in April. Right now we are just practicing and training for the up-coming season. This season is going to KICK ASS. We have so many good skaters on every team this year. My team, the Slaughterers, are the 2 season defending champs, so I am going to have to learn how to skate with the best of the best. Most of the girls I skate with are on the All Star Travel Team as well, they are just that damned good. So I am learning from the best!
Ok, so enough about derby...
xcdat and I are officially married one year and counting! November 9th was our anniversary! I can still stand him, how is that possible? lol

My son is FIVE! Going on six even. He'll be 6 in June/Yikes. We have been having some issues here...school....goofing around. I really hope that he will learn how to operate within a classroom environment sometime before next school year. His school career depends on it.

What has happened to the funness that used to be SG? We need to get this gang back together. I miss yall.
Anyways, my head is pounding and I need some rest. Gotta get over this cold before practice Wed night!

Blood Storm
00078 (yes that is Blood spelled upside down. lol)

Have a merry x-mans!
Congrats on one year and becoming a Roller Girl!!!!
Glad you're not sick of the hubbie yet.
Got some shit to take care of first before doing anything crazy, but at show the end of the month would be cool. Haven't seen you in ages. Sorry bout that.