Just wanted to blog to give a little update!
So I am healing quite well, and of course, am back on my skates! I am currently a member of the Z-Pack or shall I say the Zebras, yes...that means I am ref-ing tha derby! It is quite awesome, I must say. I get quite a different, and close-up view of the action! I am currently in charge of penalties (which is totally awesome). I get to send sexy, sweaty, and enraged derby girls to the penalty box! lmao!
As I said before, the tryouts should be in September, so I am steadily getting myself prepared for that. And I have, alas, picked my derby name!!!! Behold....
So I figured that would be awesome...because after my injury, I appeared as if I had run through a Storm of Blood! Yea! It is currently being reviewed, and after it is approved, you will all be able to see it here : International Rollergirl List
For Memorial day, xcdat and I went to Tahlequa, Oklahoma and took on the Illinois River! lol However we broke the first rule of the Illinois....You don't talk about the Illinois! Actually, now that I think of it...we broke a few of 'em! lol Especially the No Profanity rule. But that one sucked ASS anyways! lol
Hope all of our lovely SGers are doing well. We totally need to go rafting together...it was awesomesauce, as my Silly would say.
Gotta get to work now, xoxoxo!