Wow, this past week was a busy one. Tuesday I had my hair appointment at Toni and Guy to do all-over black and red tip. It turned out really awesome for almost 5 hours of Then Wed, as you have read before, my interview at Hot updates on that yet....keep your fingers crossed for me!
Now Thursday, it gets interesting. Wed. night, my right ear began to swell up around my cartilage piercing. My guess was that some dye from my hair appointment got in there and began to irritate...anywho, whatever it was, my ear swelled up, and swallowed my cartilage piercing! I woke up with the front part of my earring compeltely inside my ear....the swelling was painful, but when I woke-up it was killing me.
xcdat and I decided to go by a tatt and piercing place to consult a professional. A nice woman at Randy Adams decided to try and push the piercing back through....a few painful yelps and screams later....she decided it was ER time. So, we left there, and went to IHOP. LOL Yes, I know the difference between the International House of Pain, I mean Pancakes, and the ER. I was hungry.
So, after eating, we headed for the ER, and please, no excitement...this is not the part of the story where a GQ-looking George Clooney observes me and fixes the matter painlessly...this is not one of xcdat's day, this is my reality....
So, I get all checked-in, and we sit. Austin runs around with xcdat to chase him...Austin also makes friends with an injured Army man, who aparently has a 14 yr old daughter who wears boots like I I get called back finally, and after blood pressure is taken, and all that Jazz...we move to a room and wait for the Doc. I was getting pretty nervous by this I busted out the iPOD and proceeded to jam.
The doctor arrives and fondles my ear. He decides that he can push it out, and he asks me if I want you serious? OF COURSE I WANT TO NOT FEEL YOU PUSH THIS PIERCING BACK THROUGH....jeez. The hole had already begun to heal, so this was gonna be mega painful.
He left and came back with a needle and injected me like 3 times with stuff(burn burn burn sting burn PAIN), then left again....needed time for numbi-stuff to take effect. So, he comes back and my ear is still not numb! He tries to push the piercing out anyways (PAIN PAIN PAIN OUCH stop please OWW), I scream. He comes back with another needle, and totally fills the ear up with numbi-stuff (burn, sting, burn burn, sting sting, blood, BLOOD, OUCH).
We had to move to another room, and this is where the fun So he figures that the numbi-stuff is just not gonna work for me, and he proceeds to push the piercing out anyways. He said if he called a surgeon, the surgeon would do the same anyways bc putting me to sleep for something this small isn't worth the risk.
So I screamed and hollered in pain (PAIN, BLOOD, BLOOD, OUCH), and finally he pushed it through(PAIN, throbbing, RELIEF, headache)....that was a hard day. A few Dora stickers, and 3 perscriptions later, I am at home in bed...debating whether or not to remove my other
So, Thursday sucked, Friday we did the whole grocery shopping thing, Saturday was MY shopping day! Old Navy and Ross Dress For Less. I bought some shorts and a p0retty '50's looking dress for the Cadaver you can't wait to see it, xcdat still hasn't seen it on's a surprise.
Saturday Night was Exit 380 at Firewater! That was awesome, but they were supposed to play on the outside stage, weather forecast changed those we waitied like 3 hours to see the band we were there for....ouch. Got some autographs, then left bc we were so exhausted!
Sunday was cool...Edgefest! So, we slept through some of We were so tired...but we got there in enough time to catch Buckcherry, Drowning Pool, Toadies, Shinedown, Seether and Staind. During the hot hot hotness of the day, there was much beer, and fun...well some fun...xcdat kept getting me with the water bottles...ass. We met up with AllyCat_13 and Sillyokio who were having their own hot fun in the sun....that was awesome. It was awesome seeing that many bands in one place. This was my first outside concert as well....which rocked. The lead singer of Buckcherry had "Chaos" tatted across his abs, that was so awesome. This was the second time for me to see Drowning Pool, glad I could share xcdat's first time with him, though. All the bands we saw were great.
It was a great day, and later I got to make fun of xcdat when he asked AllyCat_13 and Sillyokio, "How much did you pay for your tickles?"
lol he meant "tickets" That was hilarious...and I felt that my making fun of him made us even for the water he poured on me all day.
I don't know about y'all, but I don't pay for my tickles....haha.
Now Thursday, it gets interesting. Wed. night, my right ear began to swell up around my cartilage piercing. My guess was that some dye from my hair appointment got in there and began to irritate...anywho, whatever it was, my ear swelled up, and swallowed my cartilage piercing! I woke up with the front part of my earring compeltely inside my ear....the swelling was painful, but when I woke-up it was killing me.
xcdat and I decided to go by a tatt and piercing place to consult a professional. A nice woman at Randy Adams decided to try and push the piercing back through....a few painful yelps and screams later....she decided it was ER time. So, we left there, and went to IHOP. LOL Yes, I know the difference between the International House of Pain, I mean Pancakes, and the ER. I was hungry.

So, after eating, we headed for the ER, and please, no excitement...this is not the part of the story where a GQ-looking George Clooney observes me and fixes the matter painlessly...this is not one of xcdat's day, this is my reality....
So, I get all checked-in, and we sit. Austin runs around with xcdat to chase him...Austin also makes friends with an injured Army man, who aparently has a 14 yr old daughter who wears boots like I I get called back finally, and after blood pressure is taken, and all that Jazz...we move to a room and wait for the Doc. I was getting pretty nervous by this I busted out the iPOD and proceeded to jam.
The doctor arrives and fondles my ear. He decides that he can push it out, and he asks me if I want you serious? OF COURSE I WANT TO NOT FEEL YOU PUSH THIS PIERCING BACK THROUGH....jeez. The hole had already begun to heal, so this was gonna be mega painful.
He left and came back with a needle and injected me like 3 times with stuff(burn burn burn sting burn PAIN), then left again....needed time for numbi-stuff to take effect. So, he comes back and my ear is still not numb! He tries to push the piercing out anyways (PAIN PAIN PAIN OUCH stop please OWW), I scream. He comes back with another needle, and totally fills the ear up with numbi-stuff (burn, sting, burn burn, sting sting, blood, BLOOD, OUCH).
We had to move to another room, and this is where the fun So he figures that the numbi-stuff is just not gonna work for me, and he proceeds to push the piercing out anyways. He said if he called a surgeon, the surgeon would do the same anyways bc putting me to sleep for something this small isn't worth the risk.
So I screamed and hollered in pain (PAIN, BLOOD, BLOOD, OUCH), and finally he pushed it through(PAIN, throbbing, RELIEF, headache)....that was a hard day. A few Dora stickers, and 3 perscriptions later, I am at home in bed...debating whether or not to remove my other
So, Thursday sucked, Friday we did the whole grocery shopping thing, Saturday was MY shopping day! Old Navy and Ross Dress For Less. I bought some shorts and a p0retty '50's looking dress for the Cadaver you can't wait to see it, xcdat still hasn't seen it on's a surprise.
Saturday Night was Exit 380 at Firewater! That was awesome, but they were supposed to play on the outside stage, weather forecast changed those we waitied like 3 hours to see the band we were there for....ouch. Got some autographs, then left bc we were so exhausted!
Sunday was cool...Edgefest! So, we slept through some of We were so tired...but we got there in enough time to catch Buckcherry, Drowning Pool, Toadies, Shinedown, Seether and Staind. During the hot hot hotness of the day, there was much beer, and fun...well some fun...xcdat kept getting me with the water bottles...ass. We met up with AllyCat_13 and Sillyokio who were having their own hot fun in the sun....that was awesome. It was awesome seeing that many bands in one place. This was my first outside concert as well....which rocked. The lead singer of Buckcherry had "Chaos" tatted across his abs, that was so awesome. This was the second time for me to see Drowning Pool, glad I could share xcdat's first time with him, though. All the bands we saw were great.
It was a great day, and later I got to make fun of xcdat when he asked AllyCat_13 and Sillyokio, "How much did you pay for your tickles?"
lol he meant "tickets" That was hilarious...and I felt that my making fun of him made us even for the water he poured on me all day.

^^^ Doesn't sound like a slumber party is what he had in mind...

so how was Reel Big Fish and Whole Wheat Bread? damn im so jealous of you and xcdat