First off, cause this is more important then my rantings Miro who's profile I just stumbled upon and I m not even sure how or where is doing the Race For Life, running for cancer, so check our her profile and Show her some support, cancer is with out saying serious, both my mother and grandmother have been effected by it so I take it to heart.
Anyway so its 343 in the morning... I have to work later today...been awake since ... 640 something yesterday
I have done a lot of writing tonight more then I ve done in a long while... responses mostly. To people I ve lost touch with or just have been ignoring their messages. I ve been in a slump. Some shit happened that's all I ll say right now a while back that I ve been dealing with. Its not easy to talk about its not easy to deal with. Up until tonight I thought I was dealing well with it all. When really I ve just barely been dealing... it took the combination of a few people and their lives to really shake me up a bit. Make me see what I ve been doing and what I should be doing and how much I haven't been, well simply put myself.
I ve been pretty lost with it all had some of those domino moments where one bad thing just piles on to another.... and have just been carrying it. Finally starting to look forward on some things putting down all the excess weight I ve been carrying....and feel better about it... I wanna write more... but I actually should get some more rest haha...
Lastly if you haven't already noticed take note ... Zombie Queen GoGo is back in town
pure awesomeness and makes me happy.
Anyway so its 343 in the morning... I have to work later today...been awake since ... 640 something yesterday
I have done a lot of writing tonight more then I ve done in a long while... responses mostly. To people I ve lost touch with or just have been ignoring their messages. I ve been in a slump. Some shit happened that's all I ll say right now a while back that I ve been dealing with. Its not easy to talk about its not easy to deal with. Up until tonight I thought I was dealing well with it all. When really I ve just barely been dealing... it took the combination of a few people and their lives to really shake me up a bit. Make me see what I ve been doing and what I should be doing and how much I haven't been, well simply put myself.
I ve been pretty lost with it all had some of those domino moments where one bad thing just piles on to another.... and have just been carrying it. Finally starting to look forward on some things putting down all the excess weight I ve been carrying....and feel better about it... I wanna write more... but I actually should get some more rest haha...
Lastly if you haven't already noticed take note ... Zombie Queen GoGo is back in town

Wow. No wonder you have been kinda gone for a while. Don't know what has been going on in your world, but I hope you continue to be able to process and deal with these things so you can continue on with your life and not let things keep you from what you want to be doing. If you ever need something and for some reason I may be able to help, or listen or whatever, I am here for ya man. Us zombies need to stick together and support one another when we need to and can! I also see you are a lot like me....can't say it enough how fucking amazing it is to have GoGo back here!