Ok well I did aquick lil video of my house its rough and kinda painful to watch I ll do a better one once all my stuff is up and funiture here but yeah here it is so watch lol. Nothing really special about it.. and now since i have some free time for a bit... well other then I need to go do laundry and turn off the stove so my house doesnt burn down....... ok ... lol put a pizza in just as good..... but back to what I was saying going to work on some stuff for the Zombie Army ... remember join or lose your brain your choice.... but yeah have a couple small project ideas and one very hudge one that may take a while bu lol I have the idea so theres very lil stoppin gte wheels moving now
well thats all short quickie update with noe complaining lol laters

Garbage cans... Brown= lawn trimmings & plant matter.
Blue=recycling. Don't ever put glass bottles or grocerie bags in. They will not pick up!
Black=everything else, except dead bodies and noxious chemicals. You have to dump those in special places.
White flower in your yard, I believe is an azalea. Don't quote me though, I'm not a botanist
YAY! Another ROYO freak! (the poster on your door, etc)
Don't worry about the couch. At least your carpet isn't that design! I swear everything here in the UK is made out of hideous carpet! My old place in Isleham had different ugly carpet in every room, and clashing curtains of equally hideous materials. Nothing matched. It was aweful. lol
I think we need to throw you a serious welcome to the UK party! Land of ugly carpet and red-headed women! We could both use a few pints